Does Dunkin Donuts Have Organic Coffee?
Dunkin’ Donuts offers an assortment of coffee and baked goods that contain eggs, milk, soy, tree nuts and wheat as well as allergen-free options.
Dunkin’ Donuts’ slogan is, “America Runs on Dunkin’.” In 2006, they ran an innovative commercial featuring Hill Holliday singing about difficult-to-pronounce foreign words.
Fair Trade Certified(tm)
Dunkin’ Brands was the first national coffee retailer to offer espresso beverages made with Fair Trade Certified(tm) coffee, helping farmers increase their income and invest in their communities. Since 2009, it has purchased more than 26 million pounds of Fair Trade Certified(tm) beans, providing approximately $1.9 million in Fair Trade Premiums to farming communities around the globe.
Paul Rice, President and CEO of Fair Trade USA (FT USA), has an intense belief in the power of Fair Trade to transform lives in developing nations. However, he was dissatisfied with its current state, where Fair Trade Certified(tm) coffee held only 5 percent market share within the U.S. coffee market and only made up a fraction of global coffee sales. To increase volume, market share, consumer awareness and impact for farmers he knew FT USA needed to go further beyond meeting consumer needs and develop plans that increased volume market share consumer awareness as well as impact for farmers.
Rice and Fair Trade USA’s team of experts devised the “Fair Trade for All” strategy in order to build a more sustainable model that expands Fair Trade movement’s reach and impact. This case details its three pillars – expanding certification to large coffee estates as well as independent smaller farmers; strengthening cooperatives to make them more cost effective; and creating an awareness raising campaign through marketing campaign.
Fair Trade USA reports that many farmers have adopted green practices on their farms due to the strict environmental standards required of certification, with an estimated 30% investing a portion of their Fair Trade premiums into environmental initiatives.
Dunkin’ Brands not only uses sustainable ingredients, but they also support local community initiatives through corporate giving programs and franchisee contributions. Dunkin’ has donated millions to non-profits that specialize in special needs care as well as other causes in need; additionally they and their franchisees contribute millions annually through The Dunkin’ Donuts Foundation – supporting numerous national and regional nonprofits alike.
Organic coffee beans are grown without using synthetic pesticides or chemicals, helping protect both the environment and workers harvesting the beans while providing you with a cup of coffee without trace amounts of chemicals which could have detrimental health impacts.
To be classified as organic, products must meet USDA standards for growing, processing and handling, covering everything from the soil to packaging. Furthermore, organic products must be free from synthetic herbicides and fertilizers and certified by an agency accredited by USDA.
To qualify as organic, crops must be produced on land that has been free of pesticides and chemicals for three years; only natural or organic sprays and fertilizers may be used on them. Organic farmers generally prioritize biodiversity over profits; many one-time organic growers have decided to switch over to conventional production in order to compete with lower priced non-organic beans.
Organic coffee can be an ideal solution for people suffering from acid reflux and digestive issues. As it contains less acid than conventional varieties, which helps alleviate symptoms; and its abundance of antioxidants improves digestive systems; in addition, organic coffee provides great fiber intake that stimulates hydrochloric acid and gastrin production in your stomach to break down food efficiently.
All Natural
Dunkin Donuts ground coffee is handcrafted using only premium beans for an enjoyable experience at home. Not only is it delicious, but its nutritional profile contains various vitamins and minerals (such as potassium), making it suitable for those with special dietary requirements and free from artificial flavors.
Dunkin Donuts was established in Quincy, Massachusetts, in 1950 by William Rosenberg who served as chairman until 2006. Since then, over 6,000 locations worldwide have opened with Dunkin Donuts serving coffee and donuts to customers worldwide.
Ads of this advertising campaign have received high acclaim, especially for their humorous approach to marketing. Ads feature Fred the Baker as a sleepy-eyed baker saying, “Time to make some donuts!” These commercials have won multiple Emmy awards; its first television spot featured actor Michael Vale who later went on to appear in over 200 commercials over 10 years!
Dunkin’ Donuts can be found throughout Lebanon. In Japan it was established as a franchise in 1998, while China remains its strongest market. Finally Switzerland welcomed their inaugural store in 2015.
Dunkin’ Donuts offers a comprehensive selection of beverages, from hot and cold espresso drinks to baked goods like donuts and bagels, sandwiches, breakfast items and much more. Their current slogan reads, “America Runs on Dunkin.”
Gluten Free
While coffee itself is gluten-free, many of its additives and flavors may not be. Furthermore, a lot of coffee preparation takes place in facilities that also process foods containing gluten, increasing the risk of cross-contamination. As such, those following a strict gluten-free diet should avoid flavored coffee and any add-ins such as creamer or syrup; plain brewed coffee should still be safe for most with gluten sensitivities.
Coffee and chocolate are commonly misperceived as not being gluten-free; this perception stems from one review which showed their chemical structure is similar to that of gluten protein, leading to misguided advice about what can and cannot be eaten by those sensitive to it. But this review doesn’t capture all interactions between food and gluten; people sensitive to it could react adversely to coffee as well for other reasons without cross-reactivity with gluten being present.
Dunkin Donuts’ most memorable advertising campaign featured sleepy-eyed “Fred the Baker,” who frequently said his catchphrase, “Time to make donuts!” It won numerous awards from the Television Bureau of Advertising and ran for more than 200 commercials over a 10-year span.
The company website provides information about its gluten-free products. This includes several varieties of flavored coffee beans and creamers that are gluten-free as well as its hot and iced coffee brewed at facilities that do not process wheat flour or other gluten-containing food sources, though certain ingredients such as barley malt may still contain gluten.
Dunkin Donuts provides K-cup pods designed specifically to work with Keurig coffee maker systems. Each K-cup contains their signature blend of medium roast coffee and can be resealed after use – this package comes with ten K-cups which can be found at most supermarkets and online retailers; please be aware they may contain gluten and other allergens.