Organo Gold strives for total customer satisfaction in every aspect of our services and experience with us – from ordering online to receiving their products. If, for any reason, you are not entirely happy, please reach out. If any merchandise meets the guidelines outlined herein and is returned in compliance with this policy then a decision will be made as to whether a refund of purchase price should occur.

Organo Gold disclaims any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, statutory warranties of merchantability and fitness for a specific purpose. You may make copies for personal use from this Website provided all copyright notices remain intact; modifications, publication, transmission or distribution without organo Gold’s express written approval are strictly forbidden. Using framing techniques against organo Gold trademarks logos proprietary information (images text page layout or form) without their written permission cannot occur on this Website.

Customers may return products and sales aids for a refund or exchange within 30 days from their order shipment date, provided that they remain unopened and in resalable condition. Returns made after this deadline are at the sole discretion of the Company and may only be processed at their discretion.

Independent Distribution Partners may return products and sales aids that meet the Company’s definition of “resalable” for a refund of 90% of their original net cost (no time limit in Massachusetts, Georgia, Louisiana or Wyoming) provided they meet quality control inspection. Once considered resalable by Quality Control, the Independent Distribution Partner will be reimbursed in their original form with any appropriate setoffs and legal claims deducted out before reimbursement is given back to them.

Your contract can be cancelled up to 14 days post delivery of goods by providing Organo Gold with written notification of cancellation.