Does RYZE Mushroom Coffee Work?
RYZE instant coffee replacement powder contains six potent mushrooms — such as cordyceps, lion’s mane, reishi, shiitake and turkey tail–plus organic Arabica coffee and MCT oil for optimal health benefits, from energy and focus enhancement to stress relief and immune support. Furthermore, half the caffeine found in traditional cup of coffee can be found here, making this ideal for those sensitive to coffee or caffeine consumption.
This combination includes yerba mate, which has been associated with improved cognitive performance and cardiovascular health benefits, cinnamon and turmeric – two anti-inflammatory agents with proven ability – as well as turmeric for an additional immune-boosting boost. All together this blend aims to promote gut health while decreasing inflammation and increasing immunity levels.
Though RYZE’s mushroom coffee may contain nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin D as well as potassium selenium selenium iron copper zinc beta glucans; its proprietary blend may not offer enough of these benefits for most consumers to reap any health advantages. In order to gain these advantages one would require taking an adequate supplement that contains all recommended dosages of each mushroom species.
Mushrooms have been shown to offer numerous potential health benefits, including improved focus and mental clarity, natural energy boost, immune support, reduced inflammation and anxiety relief, as well as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties as well as antioxidant capabilities; however there has yet to be enough high-quality human research done on mushroom coffee products to back their claims of curing any specific condition.
People sensitive to coffee or caffeine may not be able to tolerate mushroom coffee due to the presence of these ingredients, while certain brands use artificial sweeteners that may not be appropriate for individuals with food allergies or sensitivities. Therefore, those with food allergies should check both the Nutrition Facts label and ingredient list in order to make sure there are no added sugars, artificial sweeteners or gluten.
As well as ingredients, other important aspects to keep in mind when purchasing a product such as RYZE are its price and refund policy. Some brands provide money-back guarantees while others may allow longer returns periods. It’s essential that before making your decision about this purchase that you review the refund policy as well as reviews carefully to avoid being taken advantage of by scammers or making unnecessary purchases.
Mushroom Coffee offers an extremely generous 120-day return policy and store credit option should customers experience any initial taste issues or other problems. This is among the best return policies among mushroom coffee brands.
RYZE offers an added advantage by only using natural sweeteners such as monk fruit and erythritol for their coffee, making it a good option for those looking to avoid artificial additives or those with high glycemic index index sweeteners. Furthermore, their commitment to sustainability ensures they source their MCT oil from sustainable coconut farms rather than palm kernels that cause deforestation; plus they use low glycemic coconut milk in order to enhance both taste and texture of their beverages.