Organo gold with cafeina is an organic combination beverage, according to some proponents, that offers multiple health benefits. You can find this drink both as coffee bags or capsules to drink during tea time.

Mix of instant coffee and Ganoderma lucidum extract (known as Reishi or Lingzhi in China). Organo Gold brand product.


Organo Gold Gourmet Coffee features instant black ORGANO Coffee made with Ganoderma Lucidum Madureus Spores as its primary ingredient, providing nutritional benefits while simultaneously improving flavor. ORGANO used roasted medium oscuro Brazilian grains to prepare this instant black coffee, creating an irresistibly smooth flavor experience with every sip.

Ganoderma, commonly referred to as Reishi (pronounced REE-she), has been used in China for over 2000 years as part of natural medicine practices there. Ganoderma lucidum maduro contains natural properties for protecting cardiovascular diseases; additionally it has long been considered an integral component of traditional Asian herbal medicine practices.

Ganoderma lucidum maduro is traditionally grown on mountainsides by independent workers using high quality products, with thousands of years worth of use for its immunotherapeutic benefits.

ORGANO has designed its services specifically to safely break open the shell of Ganoderma and aggregated spores, thus opening them up to our bodies and unleashing their potential of protecting and supporting health. Spores can be difficult for us to open as they contain microscopic debris; ORGANO uses an advanced patent process for softly breaking open the cones of these esporas before returning them back into the body.

At ORGANO’s organic black coffee with Ganoderma lucidum rich Ganoderma lucidum powder, we take it daily between 9:30 am and 11:30 am in order to reap nutritional benefits and strengthen our immune systems. Cortisol levels tend to drop between this time. ROYAL BLACK from ORGANO features Ganoderma Lucidum as an ingredient; you can drink this supplement as part of any coffee routine and you can purchase ROYAL BLACK at its online shop as it also comes in other variants like King of Cafe Premium.

Nutritional Benefits

Coffee is one of the world’s most beloved beverages, yet its consumption can present many risks and require maintenance of health. Recent studies indicate that coffee may bring benefits for health; research indicates it contains nutrients, antioxidants and andicinas among other elements. If you have any inquiries about how coffee should be consumed please speak with your physician who will offer customized recommendations tailored specifically for you and your wellbeing.

Cafe Negro Gourmet ORGANO is a revolutionary combination of three indica beans that’s exclusive to this product. Crafted in an organic nutraceutical farm certified for use of safe and natural farming practices, it’s easily mixed and provides unique health benefits over regular coffee.

Ganoderma lucidum, more commonly known as Chinese milenary hemp, possesses medicinal properties and helps maintain a healthy immune system. Cafe Gourmet ORGANO offers high quality black coffee that contains hot water as well as Ganoderma lucidum fungus for maximum wellness benefits.

Difficult to spread, mosquito spores present our bodies with a challenge that must be broken through with an innovative process to unlock its full potential. For that reason, we use our patent to break free and unlock it for good.

At around 9:30 to 11:30 in the morning, when our cortisol levels are at their lowest, coffee should be consumed to maximize its health benefits. Because coffee contains significant levels of caffeine, we advise consulting your healthcare provider in order to receive personalized advice on your personal coffee consumption needs. According to ACOG (American College of Obstetras y Ginecologos), pregnant and lactating women may safely consume up to 200 milligrams daily or approximately one cup. In some instances there’s even Cafe Royal, an exclusive combination with three hops not found elsewhere – sometimes known by its moniker!


El Rey del Cafe Organico Gourmet Premium ORGANO is an organic black coffee with distinctive and delicate flavor, featuring Ganoderma lucidum organic spore powder for an exquisite sensory experience. Ganoderma lucidum’s medicinal compounds and antioxidant properties help strengthen immunity, combat cardiovascular diseases, and ultimately reach more vibrant living.

Triunfal Hungus Mixture is created in non-transgenic maize via a proprietary process only the producer can offer. Hungo contains essential vitamins and antioxidants and ensures that newly placed ingredients in the refrigerator reach the appropriate temperatures to provide their maximum benefits.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologos (ACOG), pregnant women may consume up to 200 milligrams of caffeine daily – roughly equaling one cup of coffee. If this occurs for you, always consult your healthcare provider so they may provide specific technical recommendations regarding your health status and lifestyle choices.

El Rey del Cafe Royal offers an irresistibly delicious flavor that invites you to keep drinking it, no matter the amount. No need to reduce how much coffee you take as this brew’s taste was designed to match that of its usual counterparts.


Organo Gold Coffee with Caffeine is an amazing product from Organo, providing you with the power to transform your life. Not only are its benefits for daily health benefits but it is an incredible way to begin each morning!

Organo products contain high concentrations of antioxidants that will boost your energy levels to an unprecedented high. We offer delicious beverages enriched with Ganoderma such as gourmet coffee, royal coffee, hot chocolate and gourmet lattes.

Organo’s Royal Coffee is beloved beverage known for its abundance of antioxidants and energy-boosting effects, making it one of the most beloved drinks on the market. This gourmet version includes traditional coffee combined with tostados medium dark grains as well as Ganoderma lucidum used by Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years as Gano reishi-derived immune support properties.

The King of Premium Coffee is an abundance of traditional cafe, blended together, featuring dark-roasted grains and Ganoderma lucidum. Add an incredible aroma and succulent flavor to your day in one delicate coffee cup!

ORGANO(tm) Gourmet Hot Chocolate Tumbler is an irresistibly tasty surprise that combines the intense and delicate tastes of chocolate with traditional coffee grains combined with Ganoderma Lucidium sugar-and-lactinoid. This treat provides an incredible way to start each morning and boost energy levels to new heights!

These health claims have not been evaluated or approved for medicinal use by any regulatory body and should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure any illness; nor have any products from this company been designed as medicine; if you decide to use one of their products it’s recommended that you carefully follow instructions and store at a healthy ambient temperature.