Food and beverage innovators have recently developed Ganoderma Reishi Black Coffee, boasting its distinctive taste and strong sense of refreshment. Containing sugar, fat and protein as the main components, as well as adding the natural nutty taste of Reishi mushrooms for further depth of flavour – as well as being shown to have numerous health benefits like relieving fatigue, improving immunity and sleep aiding properties.

Reishi infused coffee is made by adding reishi mushroom powder to instant coffee, without artificial flavours, stimulants or additives – and lactose-free! This tasty beverage offers an ideal way to start your day right! The inclusion of polysaccharides and triterpenes may have benefits for immune systems – including relieving fatigue, increasing energy levels, improving sleep quality, balancing blood pressure levels, soothing nerves and increasing overall wellness.

Reishi is an acclaimed Chinese medicinal herb, revered as an “immortality medicine”, listed in Shen Nong’s herbal classic, Jing Jie Duo Tang. Reishi in coffee has been found to activate natural killer cells, boost interferon and other anti-tumor proteins production and strengthen one’s immune system – providing cancer patients with relief by decreasing harmful chemotherapy effects, speeding recovery time and decreasing complications from surgery.