ganoderma tsugae tea

Ganoderma lucidum (Ling chih or Reishi) is widely recognized for its antioxidant, antihypertensive, hypoglycaemic, lipid-reducing and other therapeutic properties. Additionally, this plant offers nonvolatile flavor components.

G. lucidum ethanol extract daily oral administration helped prevent neointimal thickening following carotid artery ligation in mice (Wachtel-Galor et al, 2004b). This effect may be attributable to its antioxidative triterpene chemicals.

Health Benefits

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma tsugae and Ganoderma oregense) is an incredible healing agent, believed to be beneficial in terms of strengthening immunity, staving off illness and increasing longevity. Reishi can also act as an anti-inflammatory. Birch Boys teas feature double extraction tinctures made with wild North American Reishi harvested from over 100,000 acres leased and protected forest land located within New York’s Adirondack Mountains.

Reishi has long been used as a way to enhance health and strengthen immunity in China, Japan and other Asian countries. Modern chemistry has revealed that Reishi contains various beneficial compounds, including polysaccharides and oxygenated triterpenoids that may provide many additional health benefits.

Reishi is the Chinese term for “divine mushroom,” often known as the “mushroom of immortality.” Its unique appearance can be found in its glossy surface; this fungus grows as a rosette on dying or dead hemlock trees and near tree roots – it may even spread directly onto ground level from tree roots! Reishi can range in width between 5–30 cm wide.

Reishi and red-capped maitake may look alike, but their habitats and flavors vary considerably. One way to tell them apart in the field is their color: Ganoderma lucidum is brick red in appearance while G. tsugae’s hue resembles that of varnish on hemlock trunks.

Ganoderma tsugae may also produce an attractive purplish-red or purple hue, and is closely related to true reishi (brick red in color and used widely throughout China).

Studies indicate that Reishi may be beneficial in treating diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Reishi has been found to both lower blood sugar and increase hepatic glycogen levels while also decreasing triglycerides and cholesterol levels; its polysaccharides and oxygenated triterpenoids inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme which produces cholesterol in the body (much like how statin drugs work) (Horne and Sheehan 2008). Furthermore, daily oral administration of Reishi extract to mice helped prevent formation two weeks post ligation (Horne and Sheehan 2008). In an experimental carotid artery-ligation model, daily oral administration of Reishi extract prevented any subsequent formation two weeks post ligation by preventing further formation of Neointimal formation after carotid ligation by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase enzyme that produces cholesterol), as well as inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase enzyme that produces it (Horne and Sheehan 2008). Additionally, daily oral administration of Reishi extract prevented further formation two weeks post carotid artery-ligation model mice received daily oral administration of Reishi extract also helped prevent formation two weeks post ligation by two weeks post carotid artery ligation by two weeks post ligation (Horne & Sheehan 2008). In one carotid artery-ligation by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase (similarly). Also like statin drugs work). Finally, daily oral administration of Reishi extract also prevented any subsequent neointimal formation two weeks post ligation via daily oral administration prevented formation via daily oral oral administration of Reishi extract daily oral administration to stop any subsequent formation post ligation through daily administration via carotid ligation! Horne artery-ligation). Shee 2009).


Ganoderma Tsugae tea boasts an earthy and satisfying flavor profile. This anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing beverage contains beta glucans which activate and strengthen your own natural defense mechanisms while also possessing powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antitumor properties.

Ganoderma tsugae (the Hemlock Varnish Shelf Mushroom or Hemlock Polypore) is a flat polypore fungus found on dead hemlock trees in Eastern North America and other conifers, taking on their characteristics and habitat. The name refers to its similarity in appearance and environment as that found on dead Hemlock trees in its presence.

Ganoderma tsugae can be found across Appalachia, though not as frequently as Ganoderma lucidum which thrives east of the Rocky Mountains on hardwood trees. Furthermore, this species is less hardy than yellow-flowered Ganoderma curtisii or Northwestern conifer-growing Ganoderma oregense varieties.

Ganoderma tsugae’s first appearance on a hemlock tree is truly captivating, creating an attractive reddish brown ring around its bark and an irresistibly yellow sheen on its wood. When harvested fresh, this soft material can be sauteed or eaten raw in salads and soups for delicious results.

Ganoderma tsugae’s flavor has been likened to that of other reishi mushrooms, yet stands out with its own distinct profile. It boasts deep earthiness and complexity reminiscent of citrusy green tea; wild-grown varieties tend to absorb nutrients directly from host trees and bark and absorb them directly, thus intensifying flavors more than lab-grown varieties due to differences in chemical composition and nonvolatile flavor components between varieties.


Ganoderma (Ganodermataceae) mushrooms can be found worldwide and are identified by their shape and color of their fruiting bodies, their host specificity and geographical origin. Ganoderma lucidum, also known as Lingzhi in China or Reishi in Japan has been used since over 2000 years for improving general health and well-being using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), in addition to having anti-ageing properties which may increase immunity as well as help alleviate stress levels.

Hemlock Reishi, also known as Hemlock Varnish Shelf and Saprophytic Hemlock Reishi is native to the United States and most often found in its northeastern portion. A member of “hemlock Varnish Shelf”, it can often be found growing saprophytically on dead hemlock trees; due to their similar appearance they can even confuse experts; nonetheless they make an excellent medicinal mushroom!

Researchers have discovered a wide variety of bioactive compounds present in hemlock reishi that exhibit multiple beneficial properties. One such bioactive component is its polysaccharides b-1-3 and b-1-6 D-glucans which have demonstrated hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and antitumor effects.

Many bioactive compounds can be isolated from fungi using various extraction methods, including water extraction, organic solvent extraction and biological enzyme mode. Extraction processes depend on factors like active ingredient type and quantity that will best meet your specific purpose.

Hemlock reishi is an enjoyable recreational mushroom for outdoor enthusiasts and hunters, not only due to its health benefits but also for its ease of finding in nature and harvesting using only a simple knife. Furthermore, it has proven nontoxic for human consumption in small quantities – though excessive consumption may result in digestive discomfort such as bloating or diarrhea as well as allergic reactions in certain people; in such instances it’s wise to discontinue taking hemlock reishi immediately and seek medical assistance if an allergic reaction develops;


Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms are widely utilized as herbal medicine. Commonly referred to as Liingzhi and Reishi mushrooms, this species have been extensively researched for their wide array of benefits including anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Additionally, many commercial supplements and nutraceuticals products contain extracts from G. lucidum in combination with other herbs.

Like other polypore mushrooms (mushrooms that form clusters or on trees), Ganoderma Tsugae fruiting bodies are covered with thousands of tubes on the underside of its cap or head filled with millions of spores. Once matured, these tubes begin releasing their spores through thousands of pores on its underside allowing quick and efficient dispersion throughout their environment.

Ganoderma tsugae must be harvested on dead hemlock tree stumps or logs from late summer through fall; optimal times to collect this fungus include when its white edges have disappeared and its caps have turned maroon in color, or when fine brownish red powder falls from its top, signifying that its spores have begun releasing. Foragers typically wait until this fine brownish red powder falls to harvest it as this indicates its readiness to release its spores.

Tsugae derives its name from the Eastern hemlock tree it grows on. One of three Ganoderma varnish shelf fungi that are common throughout northeastern North America; others are G. sessile and G. curtisii.

Ganoderma tea is prepared by steeping dried fungus in hot water until its flavorful essence emerges, then enjoying as an early morning ritual to help boost energy levels and ease stress and fatigue. It can also be used to treat insomnia and promote restful sleep. You can purchase it from health food stores or from Chinese herb dealers online; cultivated reishi is often highly uniform across growers while wild-collected varieties may differ due to microclimatic effects; when purchasing wild collected, quality should always come first!