How Do They Make Acid Free Coffee?
If you suffer from digestive issues like acid reflux or simply dislike the bitter flavor of high-acid coffee, there are various methods you can employ to create low-acid beverages without compromising their flavor or nutritional value.
Coffee bean type and the method of brewing play a critical role in determining how acidic your coffee brew will be. Some coffee beans have naturally lower acid levels due to geographical location, varietal characteristics or processing methods used – for instance low altitude regions tend to produce lower-acidity coffees while semi-washed hulling harvesting produces fewer acidic coffees.
Water temperature can have a dramatic impact on the acidity of your coffee. Opting for cold rather than hot water allows the fats and oils in your grounds to breakdown more slowly, leading to less acidity in your cup. Filters also play a significant role; paper filters tend to block more acidity than metal ones.
As well as using appropriate equipment and selecting beans carefully, adding egg shells to your ground coffee can also help reduce acidity. Eggshells contain calcium carbonate – an alkaline substance that interacts with acidity in coffee to neutralize it – making for a delicious cup without altering flavors too drastically.