Mushroom tea is an increasingly popular method of consuming magic mushrooms that provides a more pleasurable experience than eating raw or dried. Not only is mushroom tea more tolerable and quicker to take effect than eating mushrooms directly, it can be customized further by adding herbs and honey for personalized effects and even reduce nausea caused by eating magic mushrooms itself.

There are various methods for making magic mushroom tea, with the most prevalent one involving steeping dried mushrooms in hot water until their psychedelic compounds psilocin and psilocybin have been consumed by inhalation. Psilocin and psilocybin can induce altered states of consciousness as well as feelings of pleasure that typically last between four and six hours after taking. To maximize your mushroom tea experience it’s essential that you understand when exactly it will take effect in order to maximise its effects.

When it comes to magic mushrooms, their effects depend on many variables; these include consumption method, dosage amount and individual physiology. It is usually recommended that people wait a few hours between eating or drinking and taking drugs in order to ensure an empty stomach, so the digestive system can focus solely on breaking down mushrooms without competing against other food for its attention.

Once the mushroom tea has been consumed, its effects are typically visible within 30-60 minutes. Physical symptoms will likely include feelings of heaviness or lightness in the body and tingling sensations; then senses may begin to fade and give way to general euphoria; hallucinatory effects such as colors appearing brighter or sharper or objects becoming fluid or geometric may soon follow; experienced users can often detect subtle shifts more quickly than newcomers.

Notably, magic mushroom effects will be expedited by being in an upbeat mindset and safe, supportive environment. This allows a person to open up more freely and let psychedelic experiences flow naturally for the best experience possible.

If you are taking large doses of magic mushroom tea, it is essential to remember that overusing it could be potentially dangerous. Overdosage could lead to psychosis – which makes it hard to distinguish what is real from what is not – as well as lasting psychological side effects, including anxiety or depression in certain individuals.

If you have an addiction problem, professional drug treatment in NYC is the ideal way to assist in stopping harmful substances like mushrooms. Reach out today and discover how we can assist.