Mushroom tea is a convenient way of taking mushrooms, offering a gentler experience than eating raw or whole fungi. Psilocybin from mushrooms is extracted into water for digestion by your stomach, eliminating nausea and creating an enjoyable taste experience. Furthermore, mushroom tea’s effects tend to kick in more quickly than eating them, taking effect within 30 minutes or less and being an invaluable choice when traveling on short journeys or trying not to waste too much time traveling alone.

Some users also create powder from mushrooms to add into beverages like smoothies or juices in order to mask their flavor, an approach known as microdosing that’s often employed by tech workers looking to boost creativity or focus without experiencing full-on hallucinogen effects. Unfortunately, injecting mushrooms directly into one’s bloodstream is highly dangerous; according to reports published by Journal of Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry it has caused severe side effects including liver failure, kidney failure and even death in some instances.

Early symptoms of mushroom poisoning typically appear between six and 12 hours after exposure, with vomiting and diarrhea being the most prevalent symptoms. Other signs may include low blood pressure, dilated pupils, confusion, loss of coordination and reduced organ functioning resulting in multiple organ failure within days; many also suffer brain damage that prevents them from remembering events clearly or thinking clearly; Amanita phalloides accounts for 95% of mushroom poisoning deaths.

Though not all mushrooms contain Amanita phalloides, it’s wise to avoid eating any form of mushrooms whenever possible. Studies show that people who have had bad experiences with mushrooms reported misusing or overeating them, leading to unpleasant symptoms like anxiety or depression as well as visual hallucinations that can be highly uncomfortable.

Remember, however, that it may take several weeks for the psilocin to leave your system after taking mushrooms, meaning even without experiencing symptoms, its presence could still be detectable on a drug test. This could prove particularly troublesome if regular drug testing is required by work or school; false positive results could have serious repercussions if detected as positive on drug tests.

Urine tests may provide some indication of mushrooms use; however, this method typically falls short in accuracy for most drugs. A hair follicle test, on the other hand, can detect their presence up to 90 days post consumption.