How Much Coffee is Healthy to Drink a Day?
People who can’t imagine life without their morning cup of java may be pleased to know it’s likely not harmful for them. Multiple studies indicate that drinking three or more cups per day could reduce stroke risks and cardiovascular mortality risks while also decreasing liver disease and depression rates.
Researchers remain unclear as to exactly why coffee may help heart health, though many speculate it has something to do with phytochemicals, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B that are found in this beverage. Age, smoking status or exercise could also play a part.
Studies suggest that drinking four shots’ worth of espresso daily could help protect against plaque buildup in the arteries, though most don’t do this. To maintain optimal cardiovascular health and limit caffeine intake to around 400 mg a day – roughly equivalent to four 8-ounce cups of regular coffee. It is also important to remember that individual responses vary greatly and conditions like anxiety, heart arrhythmias, high blood pressure or certain medications could impact tolerance to caffeine intake.
One of the primary health concerns associated with coffee consumption is its potential to raise cholesterol and blood pressure levels, although these effects appear more related to how much coffee one drinks than to type, brand or decaffeination process used – according to one study; those consuming six or more cups daily had twice the risk of heart disease than those drinking only one to three cups a day.
Studies have linked coffee consumption with reduced risks of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and liver cancer; other research indicates it can lower kidney stone and gallstone risks and help lower suicide rates and mortality. Due to how fetuses metabolize caffeine during gestation, pregnant women may wish to forgoing caffeine altogether, though this should only present minor health concerns.
As well as coffee, other caffeinated beverages like cola and tea contain caffeine. When trying to determine how much coffee is healthy to drink in one day, it may help to consider other beverages in your diet that contribute towards meeting your daily fluid requirements. Water, unsweetened iced tea and fruit juices all count toward this daily fluid goal, but adding in fresh lemon/lime wedges or strawberries for flavor could go even further! Aim to drink approximately eight glasses of fluid daily for optimal kidney and skin health.