Coffee has long been part of our morning ritual and provides many health benefits, yet how much coffee is too much depends entirely on how your body metabolizes caffeine – this varies for everyone and should never be treated as a single measure.

Research generally advises consuming no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine daily, which equates to three or four cups of regular (unsweetened) coffee each day; an 8-ounce cup typically contains 95 milligrams of caffeine.

While different people can tolerate more caffeine than others, too much caffeine consumption can result in unpleasant side effects like jitters, heartburn, insomnia, anxiety and stomach upset. If any of these symptoms arise when drinking coffee, reduce or switch to decaf.

Studies have linked a moderate coffee intake with various health outcomes, such as reduced liver cancer risk in women, decreased risk of type 2 diabetes in adults and reduced all-cause mortality risk in both genders. Most of the benefits were seen among those drinking more than three cups daily.

Research is promising, yet specific health outcomes related to different amounts of coffee are yet to be fully revealed. Polyphenols appear to play an important role in its protective effects; choosing higher polyphenol coffee varieties could ensure you reap maximum rewards from every sip!

Research has also demonstrated the power of coffee to aid weight loss, reduce Parkinson’s risk and enhance energy levels. It should be consumed sparingly as coffee contains many calories and saturated fats that should not be overdone.

If you love coffee but are confused about how many cups to drink each day, consulting a registered dietitian is your solution. They can help incorporate coffee into a balanced diet that meets your personal health goals while addressing any other concerns you may have – for instance deciding if and when adding milk and sugar is appropriate (too many added calories may hinder weight loss or heart disease prevention efforts); alternatively you could switch to herbal or flavored tea options without added sugars/fats as another solution.