Like most people, your day likely starts off with a ping from an alarm clock and then heading down to the kitchen for coffee – usually served with milk and two heaped teaspoons of sugar. But did you know that drinking your coffee black can have several health advantages?

If you are currently sweetening your coffee with milk and sugar, you could be missing out on essential vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and amino acids that could contribute to improved health benefits over time. Making your cup healthier is simple – and the rewards will add up over time!

An effective way to lower sugar intake is switching to non-dairy milks like almond, coconut or oat. These varieties have lower fat and caloric intake while still providing protein for you to consume. You could also sweeten up your coffee by adding natural sweetener like Stevia which won’t raise blood sugar levels.

Maple syrup can add a more satisfying, sweeter flavour without the extra calories, plus it is full of antioxidants which may protect against heart disease and cancer.

Cinnamon can make for an appealing and nutritious alternative to sugar when added to coffee, providing both flavor and health benefits. Cinnamon naturally sweetens like sugar but without raising blood sugar levels – potentially even helping prevent diabetes! When selecting Ceylon cinnamon over Cassia varieties for its more delicate flavour.

Add some healthy fats to your cup of coffee by stirring in some nut butter or coconut oil, which contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs have been proven to boost metabolism and energy levels while providing essential vitamins and minerals as well as providing an enjoyable creamy flavor to coffee beverages.

For those trying to cut sugar out of their coffee habit, raw honey or maple syrup are excellent ways of sweetening without resorting to refined sugars. Raw honey contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that may support healthy gut function, while unsweetened cocoa powder adds delicious chocolatey taste while providing long-term concentration enhancement benefits through l-theanine supplementation.

As part of your coffee drinking ritual, it’s essential that you pair it with water so as not to risk dehydration as an effect of excessive caffeine intake. Also try not to drink coffee on an empty stomach as this can cause blood sugar levels to spike quickly causing anxiety, restlessness and other unwanted side effects for some individuals. Taking caffeine with meals helps mitigate its effects and makes digestion simpler.