McDonald’s Cold Brew Frozen Coffee is an innovative ice blend composed of cold brewed coffee, ice and light cream that’s sweetened with some liquid sugar for an exciting experience. While delicious for coffee lovers, its ingredients may cause discomfort for those with specific sensitivities, including wheat and soy allergy sufferers.

Simply combine ice, coffee and a bit of water for an enjoyable frozen coffee beverage without all the sugary extras such as syrup and creamer. You will still experience all of its delicious flavor while benefiting from reduced sugar consumption. Those with dairy allergies can replace dairy milk with another non-dairy option like almond, soy or coconut milk instead for an equally enjoyable taste experience.

This recipe has been adapted from one found on The Domestic Kitchen blog and uses instant coffee as an economical and flexible option to cold brew concentrate, giving you control of its strength. Ideal if you want a healthy version of McDonald’s coldbrew! You can make this ahead and store in the refrigerator overnight!

if you experience an allergic reaction from any of the ingredients used in this recipe, it is crucial that medical help be sought immediately. Common signs of an allergic reaction are hives, itchiness, runny nose and watery eyes – severe cases could include drop in blood pressure, swelling of throat or airway constriction which could even prove life threatening.