Acidity adds vibrancy and depth to coffee’s taste, yet some find it distressing or upsetting due to conditions like acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome. While some might opt out entirely, there are ways you can lower acid levels in your cup without compromising taste: experiment with different brewing techniques, coarse grind coffee beans instead of fine, use acid reducers like Neogen, or even add eggshells with alkaline properties to neutralize some of the acids released during brewing process.

There are certain varieties of beans which tend to have less acidity than others; Arabica tends to have lower acidity than Robusta beans. Furthermore, Hevla and Puroast coffee roasters dewax green beans before roasting to reduce acidity even further.

Acidity in coffee can vary depending on a number of factors, from bean type and roasting process to the temperature of water used during brewing. Hotter waters tend to extract more acidic compounds from grounds while cooler waters slow down this process and release fewer acidic compounds resulting in sweeter and smoother tasting coffee.

Experiment with different extraction rates by altering water temperature and brew time settings on your Behmor brewer, for instance. With its ability to be controlled in 1oF increments, this allows you to customize each cup to your personal tastes.