Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), commonly referred to as the’mushroom of immortality,’ is an adaptogenic superfood with the potential to support healthy stress response and aid relaxation. With its soothing effects and earthy botanical aroma and satisfying tannic flavor, reishi makes an excellent beverage before bedtime or morning routine, providing soothing benefits while providing satisfying earthiness and botanical flavor in one delicious cup!

Reishi mushroom can be purchased as capsules and powders, but to get the maximum benefits out of this powerful functional fungus it is best brewed as tea. Here’s an easy method that shows you how to create dried reishi mushroom tea at home quickly and efficiently!

Decocting mushrooms is the first step to creating Reishi tea. This requires simmering them for at least 30 minutes up to two hours to extract a robust herbal flavor, using either a slow cooker or similar device if time allows; just remember that too much heat exposure could damage them quickly!

Decocting Reishi mushrooms requires adding them to a pot with enough filtered water to cover. Set the temperature high, bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and leave to cook for at least 30 minutes and up to two hours – as long as it reaches an amber color – the richer your tea will taste!

Once your reishi is cooked, strain and allow it to cool slightly so that any bitterness has had time to dissipate before enjoying your tea! Reishi tea can be enjoyed alone or sweetened naturally using honey, agave nectar, or stevia; both options provide delicious benefits as part of a nutritious diet.

Reishi tea can be enjoyed any time of the day, though its ideal use is prior to bedtime as it has an immensely relaxing effect on both body and mind. Best of all? Reishi is completely caffeine-free!

For an alternative flavor profile, add ginger or fruit juice for an enlightened twist! Reishi tea also pairs perfectly when served over ice; try starting off slowly by drinking smaller cups until your palate adjusts to it! Avoid taking herbal medicine while on other medications or have health conditions like diabetes that could be negatively affected by it, to decrease any chances of stomach upset and allergic reactions. This is particularly important if any existing medical issues needing management may also be adversely impacted by herbal remedies. Before taking any new medicinal herbs or supplements, always consult a qualified healthcare practitioner first. Consuming too much medicinal herb can have serious adverse side effects; when purchasing high-quality reishi powder for maximum benefits always opt for one carefully sourced from ethical sources without added fillers, starches or grains.