As comforting and satisfying as hot coffee can be during wintertime, cold pressed French coffee can also be refreshingly enjoyable. From making luxuriously smooth iced lattes to using it as an ingredient in fast-draining smoothies, your french press has endless uses – but even with its best results there may still be sediment at the bottom of your mug that makes drinking it unpleasant or gritty.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce sediment is using a mesh filter on top of your French press. This finer mesh will catch many small particles that would otherwise remain behind. These strainers can be found at any kitchen supply store, or you can purchase sets that come equipped with two!

As another tip for creating delicious coffee, grinding your beans coarser can help eliminate excess sediment that might settle in, creating a better overall experience. If you don’t own a grinder yourself, many stores sell pre-ground coffee which works just as effectively. Also important when creating delicious coffee beverages is getting the ratio right – we suggest 16 grams of water to each 1 gram of coffee to create the ideal brew!

Temperature of your water is also vitally important; doing so allows it to absorb flavor more effectively, while also protecting delicate coffee grounds from becoming bitter or scorched.

Make sure to stir and allow your coffee to rest for at least 4 minutes after pressing, giving it time to extract solubles and oils from the grounds for an exquisitely full body brew. This can be hard to achieve in traditional drip brewed cups of coffee where hot water rushes past quickly over them, giving your cup an average flavor.

Add butter to your French press coffee for a decadent twist that’s creamy, sweet and delectable – just be wary not to go overboard as too much may become oily! Cinnamon adds extra sweetness. While many prefer sugar or creamer in their French press to increase flavor and texture without incurring extra calories or fat content; butter will make your coffee both sweet and filling without the unnecessary calories or fat! Give it a try now; it could change how you view your morning cup of joe!