Ganoderma is a genus of polypore mushrooms with various medicinal uses, but the most well-known is Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as Ganoderma Lingzhi; also referred to as Reishi or Reishi Fungus of Immortality due to its longevity-increasing properties. Reishi contains numerous polysaccharides proven as antioxidants which may assist with cardiovascular disease, cancer and inflammation conditions; its main form being Ganoderma Lingzhi mushroom or Artist Conk/Mannentake which possess significant anti-aging effects.

Reishi tea is an immensely beneficial beverage made by extracting fruiting bodies or spores from reishi fungi with alcohol, rather than using water, due to myco-beta-glucans’ inaccessibility when exposed to cold temperatures – thus, decoction is often preferred over boiling for optimal bioavailability. A full decoction – simmering an extract for at least ten minutes in just-boiling water is often best.

There are various methods for extracting Ganoderma, such as cold ethanol extraction, hot acetone extraction, microwave extraction, alkali extraction, ultrasonic extraction and enzymatic extraction. Each of these processes yields different kinds of extract. However, the key consideration when it comes to extraction methods should always be which solvent and its polarity will allow you to separate out compounds that need extracting and how these will be isolated from surrounding material.

Ganoderma derives its name from the Greek words galos and derma, meaning bright or shining skin. The specific epithet applanatum refers to its flattened form; originally called Boletus applanatus by Christaan Hendrik Persoon before French mycologist Narcisse Theophile Patouillard moved it over into Ganoderma genus in 1887.

Although found globally, California is home to the highest concentrations. Cultivated specifically for medicinal use and specifically laurel wood species, the fungus grows on various hardwood trees such as laurel to provide medicinal value that helps treat digestive and respiratory illness as well as inflammation and chronic fatigue conditions.

To create Reishi Tea, fill a quart or half gallon canning jar halfway with dried Reishi and vodka and tightly seal it before placing it in a warm location away from sunlight for four to six weeks while gently shaking daily – once this process is complete your Reishi will be ready to enjoy! Reishi should be consumed on an empty stomach, and those taking blood-thinning drugs should avoid taking it. For further insight into Reishi Mushroom: The Herb of Spiritual Potency and Medicinal Wonder by Terry Willard, I highly suggest reading Reishi Mushroom: The Herb of Spiritual Potency and Medicinal Wonder. It includes numerous clinical studies supporting its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties – an easy read with tons of knowledge! I encourage everyone to give this book a read!