Mushroom tea has quickly become an increasingly trendy health food trend, yet its healing powers go well beyond trendiness. Packed with nutrients proven to promote immune function, reduce inflammation and stress-relief as well as lower blood pressure and support digestive health, mushroom tea offers many advantages to boost overall wellness and cardiovascular wellbeing. While you can buy it from natural grocery stores or make your own batch in your home kitchen for maximum effect.

Brewing mushroom tea can be done in several different ways, with the most popular approach using dried or powdered mushrooms. First, bring water to a boil before adding mushrooms; allow this mixture to steep for 10-15 minutes before straining out any mushroom pieces before finally tasting your delicious beverage! To add an extra bit of flavor you could try adding honey or lemon for additional zesty notes in your beverage brew!

At the start of making mushroom tea, deciding what species of mushrooms to use can be daunting. There is an assortment of species available; however, we advise using either psilocybin mushrooms (commonly referred to as magic mushrooms) or reishi mushrooms as these have proven themselves as yielding pleasant and therapeutic effects.

Once you’ve selected the mushroom(s), chop or grind them into smaller pieces to increase surface area and facilitate more effective infusion into water. To create your tea, bring water to boil before pouring over your cut mushrooms, stirring well to blend, then allow steep for 10-15 minutes before straining out mushrooms and drinking your creation!

As you experiment with different ratios of water to shrooms, keep in mind that your choice will significantly impact how much psilocybin you end up taking – higher concentrations are likely to produce stronger effects.

Some individuals prefer using flavored tea bases for their mushroom tea, such as adding ingredients such as hibiscus, chamomile or traditional green tea to enhance its taste and aroma. Citrus fruit also works great at extracting more psilocybin from mushrooms while flavorings help mask any unpleasant tastes present in the mixture. It all comes down to finding what combination of flavors works for you!