How to Make Mushroom Tea More Potent
Mushroom varieties like chaga, reishi and cordyceps provide many health-supportive properties when brewed into tea through infusion, elevating it from being just another food trend into medicinal and healing foods worth reverencing. Furthermore, this process allows you to tailor the effects of mushroom tea according to your desired outcomes; some people like to combine several mushroom types for maximum effectiveness – for instance by mixing reishi with cordyceps for energy boosting benefits while promoting clarity of mind (or vice versa).
As some may worry, infusing mushrooms does not contain psychoactive effects; their health-supportive properties stem from their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune-boosting benefits instead. Therefore, for optimal enjoyment and maximum results it’s recommended that mushroom tea become part of your regular routine – such as replacing coffee with some delicious mushroom tea!
Most often, infusing mushrooms as tea is preferable to taking capsules or tinctures as the liquid form will begin working faster – typically within 10-20 minutes after consumption; solid forms will take an hour or more, depending on body weight and amount taken in. Furthermore, drinking liquid helps absorb more spores at once, increasing bioavailability.
Quality tea ingredients should never be neglected. Opting for organic and raw products ensures a great tasting beverage and maximum potency of mushrooms used to produce tea.
For maximum efficacy and shelf life, the preferred way to create mushroom tea is the double extraction method, consisting of soaking shrooms in alcohol and then hot water separately to extract different qualities from them. Some individuals also employ “spagyric” techniques that involve burning them down before adding back in as part of a tincture solution. It is advised to consume your mushroom tincture within three months after brewing as this ensures its maximum efficiency and lifespan; we therefore suggest purchasing professional made tinctures using this approach that are sure to remain intact for maximum efficacy and shelf life! For this reason we advise purchasing mushroom tinctures made using this method from experienced professionals as this will guarantee their highest efficacy and shelf life!