how to make mushroom tea stronger

If you want to increase the strength of your mushroom tea, there are various strategies you can employ. Cutting your mushrooms into smaller pieces may provide them with greater surface area that will absorb into water more readily; lemon juice might add additional flavor while helping release more psilocybin; while steeping for longer may increase potency of your drink.

As opposed to eating mushrooms directly, brewing them into tea can be a much safer and more precise method for intaking mushrooms. Plus, you have greater dosing control; simply altering how many mushrooms per cup provides greater dosing options compared to simply taking 1 gram at once; which makes DIY tea-making ideal for beginners who may not know exactly how many mushrooms to take!

Tea can also provide a suitable alternative for people who find raw mushroom flavors unpleasant. Some species, in particular, may produce earthy or even off-putting aromas which most would find off-putting when eaten raw; when extracted into liquid form through tea-making processes however, these flavours become much more enjoyable to drink!

Mushroom tea’s main advantage lies in its lower risk of stomachaches than eating raw mushrooms does; most times drinking mushroom tea will not have this impact since we ingestion and digest the mushrooms via our intestines instead of directly through the stomach lining.

When ready to prepare your tea, simply combine your mushrooms in boiling water and allow them to steep for 10-15 minutes. While waiting, take time to notice the transformation happening right before your eyes: hot water changing them at a cellular level into healing medicine that our bodies understand. Think about all of the hands who helped grow and prepare your mushrooms — then pour yourself a mug!