Reishi mushroom tea has quickly become a beloved beverage among wellness practitioners due to its many health benefits, from increasing immunity and relaxation to aiding sleep and improving immunity. Revered since ancient times in Eastern herbalism, Reishi is commonly referred to as the “mushroom of immortality”.

Modern medicine has used this herb to treat numerous illnesses, such as liver cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, nervous disorders and other conditions. Furthermore, it acts as an adaptogen and can help the body cope with stress by lowering cortisol levels.

Reishi may help support cardiovascular health and can lower cancer risks such as colon, leukemia and breast. Furthermore, its antibacterial and antifungal properties make it one of the strongest immune boosters available – its constituent ganoderic acid being one of the strongest immune boosting substances known.

Reishi can best be utilized through two distinct processes – hot water extraction and alcohol extraction. While this might take more effort, this approach will produce stronger, longer-acting tinctures than simply making tea.

To create the tincture, fill a pint or quart mason jar with broken or ground reishi and pour over the highest proof alcohol available to you. Allow this concoction to steep for at least two weeks while regularly shaking it and adding loving energy into its mix. When done, strain and save the alcohol as this is now your tincture! Add your strained reishi back into a pot of boiling water until reduced by at least one cup before straining again and cooling before placing into dropper bottles for dropper use!

Make this tincture into tea as well, but the process differs slightly. For optimal results, pour the reishi mark into a large pot and bring to boil, simmering it for 30-60 minutes (depending on desired strength of tea) before setting aside to cool before straining out and adding anything extra as desired.

Reishi tea has a slightly bitter and earthy flavor, which some people enjoy by itself while others add honey or ginger for sweetening. Reishi is suitable for daily consumption; just be sure to start off slowly and monitor how your body responds – any discomfort should be addressed immediately with medical advice and discontinue use immediately. Ideally, drinking it on an empty stomach helps ensure it enters without hindrance into your system preventing stomach irritation and making for optimal results! Reishi is an ideal place to begin exploring herbal remedies given its many benefits while having minimal risks; make this an essential addition to everyday routine for living a balanced and healthy life!