How to Organize a Coffee Club at Work
Coffee has become a crucial part of life. Not only is it socially engaging and stimulating, but some believe its stimulating properties may even energize us! For offices with subpar coffee machines or managers looking to foster increased productivity in their workplaces, introducing a coffee club could have an immense positive effect on productivity.
Employees don’t need to meet at a coffee shop; instead, they can gather in the break room and engage in casual conversation over a cup of java. Such interactions foster collaboration and may ultimately result in improved work projects.
As part of your first step to organizing a coffee club, promote its concept with posters and in-house social media to gauge interest and identify advocates for coffee within your organization. This will allow you to identify any key supporters for such initiatives as early as possible.
First, collect all interested parties’ email addresses and compile a list of members. At your first meeting, establish a rota for when each member will bring coffee tins for use with various brewing methods; discuss other logistics like whether there will be fees charged and their collection mechanism; as well as whether any funds raised go toward charity causes.
Offer rewards programs or free trials to members who refer others, or both! This can help generate more revenue without spending excessively on additional advertising costs.
Though professional coffee brewers aren’t necessary to run your club, having an experienced barista at hand can make all the difference when it comes to creating delectable cups of joe. A barista can teach members of your group the art of brewing while answering any inquiries from non-coffee enthusiasts.
University of Maryland’s Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics provides some of the finest coffee around, while their coffee shop also features delicious snacks and desserts to accompany it. This shows off their dedication to providing customers with excellent service while simultaneously creating an inviting space to hang out and connect.
Volunteers at SOS Thrift Shop in Portland, Oregon use Wednesday afternoon volunteer shifts as an opportunity to bond and give back to their community through coffee club membership. While volunteering might not seem as enjoyable, this joyful group can attest to its benefits! They’ve built lasting friendships over time thanks to sharing a mutual passion for coffee-inspired fellowship.
As the leader of a coffee club, use your email list to notify members about special offers and sales. Your audience will respond more positively when they see that you provide real value regularly – stay in touch and your audience will keep returning! This article was first published by Karenna Cochrane at The Daily Dose Blog.