An effective and safe detox method for constipated people, coffee enemas are an effective and safe detox solution. They work by stimulating the colon to produce Glutathione S-transferase (GST), an antioxidant known as one of our body’s primary detoxifiers. Not only does coffee promote this production of GST; palmitic acid also boosts it by 700%! This chemical found in scientifically roasted coffee can also be absorbed directly into bloodstream via colon where it will work throughout our system to remove toxins.

Before undertaking a coffee enema, be sure to speak to your physician and discuss if it’s safe. Though many can practice this technique without experiencing side effects, it’s wise to be aware of possible effects and know how to respond in case any arise. Some common side effects reported have included energy surges, bloating, nausea, light-headedness and runny nose; none of which indicate whether the coffee enema is working; these reactions merely represent how your system has responded and adapted itself during its practice.

For optimal enema results, organic roasted coffee should be combined with purified/filtered water in order to minimize exposure to chemicals found in non-organic beans. Once all these components have been assembled, simply bring the saucepan up to simmer and set the timer – this should allow enough time for cooling before placing it in the fridge if you desire faster results.

Once your enema coffee has cooled down, use an empty syringe to administer it to your rectum. Doing this allows you to measure exactly how much liquid to put in, thereby decreasing leakage risk. For your own safety and in the event of leaks, lay on a towel that won’t stain easily during this step.

Once your enema has been placed, wait 15 minutes. Be patient during this step – as it is an integral part of detoxifying. Use this time to relax and think positive thoughts; sip some water periodically as this may encourage bowel movement.

After 15 minutes are up, release the enema and relocate to a clean area. Be sure to wash both the bag and tube tip thoroughly with hot soapy water prior to hanging them up for storage; additionally it would be wise to rinse out your bucket periodically with warm water to make cleanup easier.