As much as many of us depend on coffee for daily sustenance, it’s essential that we understand its effects on both our physical and mental wellbeing. No matter if it is hot or cold coffee is initially healthy but quickly becomes harmful when loaded with added sugars or additives; while too much caffeine consumption during pregnancy or breastfeeding could have harmful side effects.

As long as it’s prepared correctly, coffee can be beneficial to health, even helping to increase beneficial gut bacteria. The optimal choice would be a plain black cup without added sugars or creamers which add unnecessary calories and saturated fats. Sweeteners like Stevia or Honey might make the drink healthier but should still be used sparingly, as their long term impact remains uncertain.

Coffee contains soluble fiber and polyphenols that have long been recognized for improving gut health and lowering risk factors for certain diseases, like diabetes and liver disease prevention, heart disease risk reduction and cancer protection. One study even demonstrated how coffee could aid beneficial microorganisms living within our digestive tracts!

Coffee may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases associated with ageing. Coffee contains many antioxidants capable of mitigating free radical damage in both brain and body; its consumption has even been shown to prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases due to protecting neurons while blocking certain enzymes.

Studies have also demonstrated that people who consume three or more cups of coffee daily are less likely to succumb to cardiometabolic diseases like heart disease and stroke, among others. Coffee’s polyphenols may help lower insulin resistance risk that contributes to cardiovascular conditions while simultaneously decreasing blood pressure levels while potentially decreasing diabetes risk by lowering levels of glucose and cholesterol in their bodies.

General guidelines suggest not consuming more than five cups of coffee daily due to each cup containing around 200mg of caffeine – any more can lead to jitteriness, stomach upset and insomnia. Caffeine can increase heart rate and interfere with certain medications if consumed excessively; decaf coffee is considered just as healthy and should provide just as many polyphenol benefits without stimulating adrenaline production – decaf might even be better for anxiety sufferers and those suffering heart conditions alike!