is all green mountain coffee organic

Green Mountain roasts its own premium Arabica coffee beans from some of the world’s premier coffee-producing regions, offering over 75 selections spanning single origin, estates, Fair Trade Certified Organic blends and proprietary blends. Green Mountain also roasts and markets specialty beverages such as hot chocolate and flavored coffee – these offerings can be found through retailers, convenience stores and specialty food stores; food service enterprises including restaurants hotels universities business offices etc – or directly to individual consumers.

The Company provides an assortment of whole bean and ground coffee products as well as Keurig K-Cup pods through its extensive distribution network, and believes its diverse customer reach allows Green Mountain Coffee Roasters to expose itself to more potential consumers for consumer trials.

Green Mountain also sells unbranded coffee and green tea through a network of independent distributors and wholesalers, in addition to its branded offerings.

Green Mountain holds its commitment to social responsibility and sustainable practices as core values, leading initiatives that enhance environmental conservation and sustainability throughout its coffee supply chain. Furthermore, they seek to guarantee high-quality coffee production through responsible farming practices while simultaneously supporting local economies that produce coffee.

Numerous green initiatives undertaken by the Company aim to improve the lives of small-scale coffee farmers. Through projects like micro-lending, it fosters other sources of income for families in coffee-producing nations – in Huatusco region Mexico for instance, supporting community development programs which help encourage non-coffee businesses which diversify income sources while decreasing dependency on coffee growing is just one example of such a project.

As of June 30th 2001, the Company had joined TransFair USA and purchased coffee based on internationally accepted Fair Trade terms. This commitment allows consumers to be assured that the coffee they purchase comes from small farmer cooperatives who grow it using organic farming practices at prices not less than the internationally recognized minimum floor price; and ensures their income meets subsistence needs of their families.

Furthermore, the Company supports various social and environmental projects in its coffee-producing regions. In Aceh Province of Indonesia, Green Mountain provided seed funding to establish Gayo Organic Coffee Farmer’s Association (“GOCFA”) – now producing Green Mountain’s Organic Sumatran Reserve coffee. GOCFA project’s objective is to enhance local quality of life and teach sustainable agricultural practices, as well as contribute to local school nutrition programs and assist with building village health clinics. Green Mountain supports a micro-lending project in Buenavista, Colombia to enable women there to start small businesses of their own. Furthermore, it offers dioxin-free paper coffee filters and promotes chlorine-free processing among companies who bag its bulk coffee.