No matter your style of coffee enjoyment – from pour-overs and espresso drinks, to filter coffees – having access to delicious cups of java is a necessity for life. Coffee bean-bearing berries that grow on organically farmed trees are free from chemical exposures like synthetic pesticides, petroleum-based fertilizers and other chemical exposures that could harm their development and seed production. Organic coffee bean production helps both the environment and farmers’ health; additionally, organically produced beans tend to boast more complex and robust flavors than their nonorganic counterparts. This delicious organic arabica coffee is certified organic, dairy- and gluten-free, and part of Rip Esselstyn’s Engine 2 Plant-Strong diet (a former world-class professional triathlete and former firefighter who wrote “Engine 2 lifestyle book and is Whole Foods Market Healthy Eating Partner). Additionally, it has been decaffeinated using Swiss Water processing which preserves both taste and quality by using only water to remove caffeine from the bean.