People often wonder whether organic coffee is beneficial. After all, conventionally grown coffee may contain toxic chemicals and pesticides which may adversely impact health, while organic coffee grows through an organic farming process which prioritizes sustainable practices such as natural fertilizers and soil management – an effective way of supporting coffee growers while at the same time not adding potentially hazardous materials into our environment.

Conventional farms rely heavily on synthetic chemicals for crop treatment, which can have an adverse impact on both humans and the earth. Coffee plants in conventional farms are frequently exposed to synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides that pollute ground water as well as harm the local communities and farmers alike. Organic coffee is one of the only production options that eliminates using harmful chemicals during production and can benefit both human and environmental wellbeing.

Organic coffee production uses only naturally-occurring ingredients that do not involve chemical pesticides and fertilizers, including shade farming to keep acidity levels from becoming excessive, leading to smoother flavors that satisfy customers better than regular brew. Many find organic coffee less bitter and more satisfying.

Organic coffee offers more benefits than simply avoiding toxic chemicals that harm the environment and wildlife; its caffeine itself contains plenty of essential antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which may reduce risks related to heart disease, degenerative neurological disorders, diabetes and depression.

Before purchasing organic coffee, it is important to carefully evaluate both price and quality. Organically produced coffee may cost more than its non-organic counterpart; however, its health advantages more than offset this additional expense.

However, many excellent coffees (Geisha, Pacamara, Mundo Novo and JBM to name just a few) that do not fall under this definition but still command premium pricing due to their exceptional quality are widely sold at higher prices than equivalent organic varieties. Avoid preoccupation with whether or not coffee is organic; rather support ethical businesses that are B-corp certified, source their beans from roasters signed up with coffee.transparency, and offer fair pricing to farmers. Assuring farmers receive fair compensation for their high-quality, organically-grown coffee is key to improving our planet, environment and our society as a whole! Thank you for supporting organic coffees; we hope to see you soon! Please view our selection below of organic coffees; simply click any product to learn more about what makes it unique or why you should buy it!