Acid Reflux Disease, more commonly referred to as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), can be both painful and uncomfortable – in extreme cases even dangerous. Untreated, it may lead to chronic inflammation in both esophagus and throat as well as cause burning sensations in throat or chest as well as damage the lining of esophagus lining; the condition is often brought on by food or beverages consumed too soon after meals or beverages that contain high amounts of acidity.

Coffee contains caffeine, one of the primary causes of acid reflux and GERD. Caffeine has been proven to weakened lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure – this prevents stomach acid from rising back up into the esophagus causing heartburn – thus contributing to reflux episodes and acidity issues.

Acid reflux sufferers can reduce symptoms in several ways, including: (1) avoiding foods that trigger acid reflux; (2) eating smaller meals more often; (3) not lying down for 2-3 hours after meals have been eaten and (4) losing weight if they are overweight. In severe cases of acid reflux, you might also consider stronger medications like H2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors prescribed by your physician.

For those who can’t give up coffee entirely, alternatives include low acid coffee and decaf coffee – these varieties contain less acidity than regular varieties but still taste just as delicious! You could also incorporate low acid coffees into recipes, such as chocolate sauce or fondue, or add it to marinades for meat or chicken.