Caro coffee is an increasingly popular alternative to traditional coffee. Crafted with roasted barley, malted barley, chicory and rye and naturally caffeine-free, Caro is ideal for anyone sensitive to or looking to reduce their caffeine consumption as it also boasts numerous nutritional benefits like antioxidants and digestive aids.

Chicory root in its ground form tastes similar to coffee and is an excellent source of minerals such as iron and zinc, along with being high in fiber content for weight loss, cholesterol reduction and alleviating digestive distress and bloating. Additionally, chicory can provide relief against heartburn symptoms.

Brewing low-calorie, caffeine-free coffee alternatives from different plants has a long and storied history, dating back hundreds of years or even millennia. It was especially prevalent during times when coffee beans were either scarce or unavailable – such as World War II and its aftermath when many turned to instant beverages like Postum in America and caffe d’orzo in Italy for instant consumption.

Coffee contains numerous biologically active compounds, including polyphenols (chlorogenic acids, cafestol and kahweol), alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine and theophyline) and methylxanthines (trigonelline and CGA). Together these constituents offer many healthful properties including anti-inflammatory, lipid reducing and antidepressant effects.

Studies have demonstrated that regular coffee consumption may help slow the progression of atherosclerosis, one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases. Individual differences can impact coffee’s impact on one’s lipid profile and other cardiovascular risk factors significantly.

Many companies have recently joined the beanless coffee trend by manufacturing plant-based beverages marketed as coffee, offering similar mental stimulation while decreasing negative side effects on body. These new beverages claim to provide similar mental stimulation without all its harmful side effects.

Beanless coffees contain ingredients known to enhance cognitive function, such as maca root, lion’s mane mushroom, and chaga. Furthermore, these beanless beverages often include components that reduce stress and help promote sleep – for instance Northern Wonder’s beanless coffee blend contains maca root as a mood enhancer with energy-boosting properties.

The coffee industry is taking steps to address plant-based alternatives. Multiple companies have filed lawsuits against brands using “coffee” in their name, arguing they mislead consumers. Some brands have modified their labels accordingly in order to clarify that they do not contain coffee beans.