Use Strong Kangen Water to disinfect cutting boards, sinks, dishes, and dishcloths before use in the kitchen, such as cutting boards, sinks, dishes and dishcloths. Ideal for eliminating coffee stains as well as soy sauce and oil residue stains on surfaces in your kitchen. You can even soak liver and other meats prior to cooking/eating them!

Scientific research conducted during the 1950s in Lourdes, France; Nordenau, Germany and Tlacotepec, Mexico provided evidence of legendary “miracle healing waters” with high hydrogen concentrations that contributed to their amazing health benefits. Today we have the technology available to us all thanks to Enagic’s revolutionary new hydrogen ionization water machines; Body Focused Health is pleased to offer them as exceptional products and services – now you can make world-class alkaline and H2 enhanced water right at your fingertips!