The Coffee Club is an Australian cafe chain with 65 locations in New Zealand. Established in 1989 as an outlet to get “an outstanding cup of coffee”, its business has since evolved into offering an assortment of food and beverages. Their restaurants are known for providing welcoming atmosphere and customer service; furthermore they strive to provide healthy and ethical options in their menu. In this article we explore whether Coffee Club products contain any non-Halal ingredients.

Does Coffee Club qualify as a halal restaurant?

Although this eatery provides delicious Chinese, Fast Food, Italian and Vegetarian dishes as well as coffee, some items may not be considered halal; pastries for instance may contain pork while animal-derived gelatin may also be present in their products; but should you ask any staff member, they should be able to tell if an item contains pork.

Are You Asking If Coffee Is Haram?

Coffee has long been consumed as part of Muslim daily lives. Though the Quran doesn’t address coffee specifically, multiple fatwas have examined this question – one by Dar al-Ifta Al Misriyyah states that while small amounts may be permissible in moderation, excessive consumption could cause drunkenness and other undesirable side effects.

Mufti Mehmet Ebussuud el-Imadi issued another fatwa that coffee is halal but should be consumed sparingly as excessive consumption could lead to addiction and other problems. Because coffee does not contain alcohol, however, Muslim scholars generally accept its consumption.

At Coffee Club, most ingredients used are halal. With the exception of wine coffee containing wine in its name (which is prohibited according to Islam), all other coffees are considered virtually halal; even those made using Luwak coffee, which contains droppings from civet cats, are considered halal.