Keurig coffee machines are popular single-cup machines that allow users to serve themselves individual cups of brewed coffee without measuring out grounds and water, making it more sanitary than a traditional drip brewer while saving water because you only brew what you need. Unfortunately, though, the Keurig’s use can also spark controversy; many question if coffee from one is indeed healthy.

Keurig machines make the brewing process fast and simple, with just filling the reservoir with water and turning it on – you are then ready to brew a cup of coffee in seconds! Heat quickly circulates through the machine as it quickly heats it, giving you hot beverage when running late! It is an efficient solution that provides instantaneous hot beverages.

Keurig has long been a highly successful brand. Over the course of over three decades, they have managed to capture the hearts and minds of coffee drinkers throughout America, becoming the most widely used single-serve brewing system here. Keurig remains relevant even in its highly saturated market through offering new innovations and features like their K-Iced machine for cold beverages as well as K-Round pods which are plant-based and plastic free – two features recently launched by them that keep them current with customers and competitors alike.

Keurig still faces significant obstacles despite these innovations, however. Sales have dropped off significantly in recent years and the company is seeking ways to expand their platform. Previous attempts such as offering chilled Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper beverages as well as an alcoholic cocktail platform failed to resonate with shoppers.

Keurig Coffee Brewing Machine When making a cup of Keurig coffee, first insert a K-Cup into the machine and select your desired size. Next, the needle punctures a small hole at the top of vacuum-sealed aluminum K-cup; another hole will then form at its base; finally, its pressurized pump uses water pressure to force through grounds into your cup for filtering purposes and filter out.

As water passes through a pod, some can travel back up into its reservoir, leaving behind rancid coffee oils that alter your cup’s taste. Furthermore, pressurized brewing may cause some ground coffee to expand into its surrounding medium and form bitter or burnt flavors in your cup.

To prevent this issue, it’s essential that your machine be regularly maintained. At minimum, this should occur every two weeks; more frequent maintenance may be necessary if using Keurig more often. A variety of cleaning products specifically designed to work with Keurig machines are available – just follow manufacturer’s instructions when deep cleaning.