Many people start their day right with a cup of coffee to give themselves the energy needed for the day ahead, but is this popular beverage good for their heart? One popular belief about coffee is that it causes high blood pressure and stiffens arteries, both detrimental to cardiovascular systems. Although this statement holds some truth, its positives far outweigh any possible negatives if prepared correctly.

Caffeine may increase your heart rate and blood pressure, yet studies have not proven its harmfulness for most healthy individuals. Coffee consumption is associated with lower risks of cardiovascular disease and death; however if you already suffer from irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation), caffeine should be avoided as much as possible.

Caffeine intake can exacerbate symptoms of atrial fibrillation, including rapid heart beat, palpitations and chest pain. Caffeine works by narrowing blood vessels which then increases your heart rate and blood pressure; most can tolerate up to three cups a day without adding sugar or fat for optimal enjoyment; one study demonstrated this was even true among those suffering with atrial fibrillation!

Coffee may also reduce the risk of liver cancer, Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes; one study showed that drinking three cups daily was associated with a 7% reduced chance of type 2 diabetes development and reduced risks associated with liver cirrhosis – a serious consequence of some liver diseases.

Importantly, these studies were performed with black coffee alone; most coffee shop and restaurant coffee drinks contain added sugars and fat that may outweigh any potential heart-health benefits of black coffee consumption. As a general guideline, it is advised to limit daily caffeine consumption to no more than 400 mg – this corresponds roughly to four 8-ounce cups.

If you decide to add sugar or other sweeteners, opt for lighter or non-fat options. A pinch of sugar should do just fine; but beware iced coffee options with caramel swirls or caramel syrups as these contain up to 20 teaspoons!