Coffee drinkers know the joys and satisfaction of enjoying this beverage can be immense, from sipping on sweet cappuccinos or smooth espressos, to the satisfaction of knowing their morning drink has helped boost productivity and mood. Studies have even revealed how caffeine consumption may reduce risk for depression while increasing cognitive performance – but is the common morning beverage actually beneficial?

Studies on the health benefits of coffee vary significantly among scientists. Recent research, however, points towards it as having positive implications when consumed in moderation.

Coffee is produced by the coffee plant. Once harvested, its beans are extracted and harvested before being roasted and ground into coffee beans for consumption. Roasting produces a chemical known as acrylamide that has been linked to increased risk of cancer among laboratory rats; however, the Agricultural Research Service has concluded that in humans alone, one serving of roasted coffee does not pose significant cancer risks.

According to research by the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study, regular coffee consumption was linked with reduced risks of mortality. Individuals who regularly consumed six cups were 10 percent less likely to die from cardiovascular conditions like heart disease and 15 percent fewer likely than those who didn’t consume as much java each day.

Studies have also linked coffee consumption with lower risks of Type 2 diabetes, liver cancer and colorectal cancer – potentially protecting against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases as well.

Coffee could help combat obesity and fatty liver disease by increasing fatty acid breakdown, while improving athletic performance by decreasing fatigue and improving muscular contraction in liver and skeletal systems.

As with anything, it’s important to keep in mind that too much coffee can be detrimental. Consuming too many cups can lead to acid reflux, urinary tract infections and heart palpitations as well as interfere with medications such as thyroid medication and antidepressants. Achieving maximum benefit from your cup of joe requires leading a healthy lifestyle – for more wellness & prevention tips subscribe to our monthly newsletter!