Scientists have long debated whether coffee is beneficial to human health, yet more studies are revealing its advantages as an aid for staying healthy – from potentially decreasing your risk of type 2 diabetes to alleviating age-related cognitive decline.

Though caffeine is the star player when it comes to health benefits, other compounds found in this beverage offer additional advantages such as polyphenols, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B – each linked with reduced levels of oxidative stress and better metabolic processes.

Not only can coffee provide essential vitamins, but the antioxidants found within can also protect against heart disease, reduce inflammation and fight aging. Furthermore, its soluble fiber content can lower risk of high blood cholesterol while simultaneously decreasing LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Health benefits associated with coffee may depend on several factors, including its quantity and quality. Drinking more than two cups a day may lead to adverse side effects such as insomnia and nervousness; in addition, sugary sweetened versions of this beverage can add hundreds of extra calories and raise bad cholesterol significantly.

Note, however, that most studies on coffee and health are observational in nature – meaning they can only show an association between them rather than directly linking one cause with the other. Furthermore, most of these studies only examined plain black coffee’s impact; therefore their conclusions might not apply equally well to cappuccinos and lattes.

Don’t let these concerns detract from your enjoyment of coffee; evidence shows it can enhance mental and physical performance while decreasing risk for chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease and cancers of the mouth, throat, endometrium or prostate.

Though certain individuals may need to limit their intake, coffee can still be part of a balanced diet for most adults. As a general guideline, up to 400 milligrams a day of caffeine is considered safe (roughly equivalent to four 8-ounce cups of brewed coffee). If pregnant or taking medications that interact with caffeine, please consult with your healthcare provider prior to adding more than 1-2 cups to your daily regimen.

Coffee provides health-promoting nutrients and phytochemicals, including folic acid, manganese and niacin. For maximum effect, however, avoid sugar and other unhealthy ingredients when enjoying your beverage – instead opt for natural options like Bona Vita’s 8-in-1 coffee made from Acai berry and Mangosteen which contain plenty of vitamins and antioxidants that promote overall wellness – plus it’s easy to prepare at home or transport in thermos or jug.