Coffee Mate non-dairy creamer can be added to any cup of coffee for a deliciously rich, smooth taste that is lactose- and cholesterol-free, gluten-free, halal certified and comes in several flavors like Amanda blue, Terra Mate Cherry Mint and Cruz de Malta; single serve powder packets are also available for convenience.

Yerba mate

Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is an evergreen shrub beverage made of leaves and twigs consumed throughout South America for centuries, and used as a natural stimulant that improves mental focus, promotes weight loss and can aid heart health. Furthermore, it acts as an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties – not to mention numerous vitamins and minerals such as C, E, B1, B2, Niacin (B3) Thiamine (B6) Folate potassium magnesium iron zinc copper as well. Furthermore, polyphenols provide powerful anti oxidant protection from internal stressor inflammation within our bodies!

Yerba Mate can be purchased as loose-leaf tea, tea bags or as a bottled drink. When brewed, it has a mild flavor with earthy, herbal aroma. Not as bitter than green tea yet more stimulating than black tea, yerba mate can be made using raw or roasted leaves and often sweetened using sugar, honey or lemon juice for maximum results.

Brewing yerba mate unleashes many antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the body and lower risks such as cardiovascular disease, dementia and cancer. Furthermore, it may boost workout performance; according to one British Journal of Nutrition study involving eccentric exercise performance testing on humans using yerba mate significantly improved strength recovery rates after eccentric exercises.

Mate tea has long been used by athletes as an energy booster and focus enhancer, including French striker Antoine Griezmann of FC Nantes who drinks it each morning for example, or Alice Beretta of Italy’s national Hockey team to stay focused and boost energy levels. You can drink yerba mate hot or cold and sweeten it with lemon, mint leaves or natural honey to your preference.

Yerba Mate is an excellent source of caffeine and may cause side effects such as nausea and headaches in sensitive individuals. People taking any chronic medications or experiencing any medical issues should discuss its consumption with their physician prior to trying yerba Mate; pregnant women should avoid it while breastfeeding mothers should also seek advice before trying it themselves.


Gluten is a protein composite found in foods produced using wheat and its related grains such as barley and rye, consisting of two proteins called gliadins and glutenins. People following a kosher diet avoid foods containing gluten as it is forbidden (haram). Food items with gluten may include brewer’s yeast (a byproduct of beer-making), malt, barley flour, malted milk or milkshakes, ovaltine, and alcoholic beverages. People who are intolerant or allergic to gluten must seek alternative solutions such as non-dairy coffee creamer. Coffee Mate is an increasingly popular option, featuring delicious flavors in various forms that are lactose-, cholesterol- and halal-friendly as well as naturally low in sodium content. Available varieties include Amanda blue, Terra Mate Cherry Mint and Cruz de Malta for your enjoyment!


Lactose, commonly referred to as the “milk sugar,” is a disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose sugars that forms during digestion of milk by cows, goats, sheep, humans and other mammals, including human breast milk. Lactase enzyme helps digest lactose into two simpler sugars that enter bloodstream during digestive process releasing them back into bloodstream as two simple sugars. Lactose can donate electrons to other molecules making it ideal for industrial uses.

Lactose is widely used as both a bulking agent and flavoring component in food products, especially dairy foods such as milk chocolate and ice cream. Lactose also finds use in pharmaceutical production as it binds pills together, dissolves them more easily in water, and lowers manufacturing costs for drugs. Pharmaceutical-grade lactose can be produced from cheese whey leftover after cheese production; in addition to this use it may also be found in packaged, canned, frozen foods like cookies puddings salad dressings biscuits sausages drink mixes drink mixes margarines etc.

Tirlan Ingredients offers refined, medium, and fine milled lactose in 40, 80, 100, and 200 mesh sizes, featuring a clean flavor profile and superior solubility that makes it suitable for use in food and beverages of a wide variety. In chocolate applications it can provide soft flavors as well as cohesive textures which aid in caramelization processes.

Lactose-containing products may be considered halal, though you should check their ingredients list first. If lactose allergy/intolerance is an issue for you, plant-based milk alternatives such as almond or soy milk may also be appropriate alternatives that remain halal provided they do not contain animal ingredients or forbidden components (haram). They must also contain calcium.