Many people question if drinking coffee daily is healthy. There’s good news for coffee drinkers – coffee could actually extend our lifespan! But moderation is key. Coffee should supplement healthy foods and beverages in your diet rather than replace them; overdoing it with caffeine could lead to high blood pressure, heartburn, anxiety and even depression.

But studies indicate that, provided we limit ourselves to three to four cups per day or less and forgoing sugary drinks, most people can safely enjoy a daily cup of java. Coffee contains antioxidants which may reduce cell and tissue damage associated with normal aging; they may also play an integral part in protecting us against diseases and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, liver disease Parkinson’s disease and cancer.

At its heart, coffee is best enjoyed black without added sugars. But if that isn’t possible, using low-sugar sweeteners or unsweetened plant-based milk could also provide benefits. Furthermore, restricting coffee intake to morning hours can help improve sleep quality while staying more alert throughout the day.

Keep in mind that if you suffer from heartburn, indigestion or gallstones, drinking coffee should usually be avoided as it can aggravate these conditions. Furthermore, if taking medication that interacts with caffeine (e.g. alendronic acid), such as caffeine-containing beverages should not be consumed because this could decrease its effectiveness.

Although these studies are encouraging, it should be kept in mind that these are observational in nature and cannot directly prove coffee causes disease prevention. Still, as more coffee was consumed within each study, our risk for some diseases such as cardiovascular and Parkinson’s declined accordingly.

Though we may never discover the fountain of youth, there are ways we can work to promote a long and healthy life: refraining from smoking, engaging in enough physical activity, maintaining a balanced diet and cutting back on excessive alcohol consumption – now even coffee consumption could count!

Just be mindful to drink in moderation – when it comes to coffee consumption. Acup of coffee first thing in the morning may help kickstart your day, while switching over to something non-caffeinated during lunch and right before bed will ensure a great restful slumber! For added energy boost try doing a short workout before your morning cup of joe. It will keep you alert and focused throughout your day.