Coffee enthusiasts remain divided as to which is healthier: espresso or regular coffee. Both brews use the same beans, but espresso contains higher concentrations and caffeine levels than its counterpart. Both varieties provide energy boosts; just watch how much caffeine you drink: research published in BMJ Open has linked coffee consumption with decreased mortality and heart disease risks as well as lower risks of liver cancer, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes and stroke (see International Journal of Cancer study for example).

No matter the beverage of your choice, it’s essential that you source quality beans that have been freshly roasted, ground finely before brewing, and served without added sugar or milk – as these factors will determine both taste and nutritional value in your cup o’ joe.

An uneven grind may release bitter compounds, leading to acid reflux and digestive issues, while adding cream or sugar can increase calories and carbs, both contributing to weight gain. When selecting dairy options for breakfast cereals, look for low-fat or non-dairy milk options instead of heavy cream and whole milk as healthier choices.

As part of your coffeemaking routine, it’s also advisable to assess your brewing method and bean variety as these factors can have an effect on the antioxidant levels in your cup of joe. Soil type, roasting method, coating process all play a part in how antioxidant-rich your drink will be. In general, single origin beans from regions known for high quality crops and sustainable farming practices offer greater health benefits in comparison with multi-origin options.

Brew method is also key as it can influence the amount of polyphenols present in your cup. Polyphenols are antioxidants which reduce oxidative stress in your body and protect against chronic diseases, according to Malkani. He recommends choosing light roast coffees ground finely prior to brewing with hot water; for maximum polyphenol content.

Your cup of joe provides more than polyphenols; other nutrients found within include potassium and magnesium. Magnesium helps protect against bone loss and cardiovascular disease while potassium helps control blood pressure.

Espresso can help increase physical performance by relieving muscle soreness following exercise, and can assist with bowel movement thanks to its rich fiber content. But remember, too much coffee may lead to constipation if consumed too frequently; decaf coffee may be best in these instances.