Is Ground Coffee Healthier Than Instant?
With so many coffee options — French press, automatic drip, pod brewing and cold brew among them — available, it can be difficult to choose the one to start your day with. While we all recognize its energetic benefits and antioxidant content, few know exactly why some forms of it may be healthier than others; the brewing process plays a huge role in its flavor profile and potential health advantages.
At first glance, the answer to whether ground or instant coffee is healthier might seem straightforward; however, this question can become complex rather quickly. Taste varies greatly between instant and ground coffee products depending on which beans are used to produce it; many instant products use Robusta beans which tend to have more of an unpleasant bitter taste; however if you are willing to spend slightly more on preground beans then better tasting options may become available that remain healthy options.
When selecting an instant coffee product to purchase, Arabica beans offer superior flavor and health benefits over Robusta beans. Also be sure to purchase something dehydrated or freeze-dried rather than roasted as roasting may produce acrylamide which has the potential to disrupt hormone balance – however this would only become evident through repeated consumption of instant coffee.
If you want to make your instant coffee a healthier choice, avoid sugar and flavored syrups. Sugar adds unnecessary calories and carbohydrates that could increase your risk of obesity or heart disease. Instead, try spicing up your instant coffee by adding cinnamon or ginger for flavor without additional added sugars.
Temperature should also be taken into account when brewing your coffee; an ideal range is between 195-205 degrees F for optimal extraction of caffeine and antioxidants from water sources, with too cold an environment leading to underextraction while too high of temperatures causing burnt or weak flavors in instant coffee instant drinks.
At its core, purchasing ground beans and using them with a bean-to-cup machine in your office is the healthiest solution. This will give your team fresh, high-quality instant coffee that’s less processed, which will make them feel energized and healthier throughout their workday.