As temperatures begin to cool and hot beverage cravings intensify, many seek healthier alternatives to their favorite coffee beverage – one such being hot chocolate. But does it contain less calories than a cup of coffee or is it simply another means of getting their caffeine fix?

No matter if you drink hot chocolate to give yourself an energy boost, stay warm or enhance your mood, there are numerous advantages associated with this cozy drink. Cocoa has anti-inflammatory properties which have been demonstrated to lower blood pressure if regularly consumed; in addition, cocoa contains flavonoids with antioxidant properties known for lowering cardiovascular disease risk.

Cocoa and chocolate contain theobromine, which has stimulant effects similar to caffeine. It can improve blood flow by decreasing chances of blood clots while improving brain function as well as helping regulate metabolism, improve sleep quality and decrease stress levels. But too much caffeine may have unwanted side effects; including anxiety attacks, headaches, jitteriness and insomnia.

Caffeine levels vary between coffee and cocoa depending on the bean or leaf used and extraction method; freshly roasted beans will have more caffeine than pre-ground ones, for instance; tea’s caffeine content also varies according to plant species and brewing methods; as a general guideline, 400mg per day should be sufficient.

As a comparison, one serving of brewed coffee contains around 153mg of caffeine while an equivalent quantity of hot chocolate may contain up to 238mg. Furthermore, both have low glycemic index values and alkaline properties.

Coffee and hot chocolate contain flavonoids, which help reduce oxidative stress, protecting against heart disease and helping prevent diabetes and other chronic illnesses. They also contain magnesium – a mineral known for relaxing muscles and soothing nervous systems.

Both products contain protein, vitamins and minerals – perfect for healthy living and diet! However, to achieve maximum benefit it’s best to choose fresh ingredients over instant hot chocolate mixes, which contain excessive amounts of sugar and fat.

If you are feeling confused as to what to drink, why not mix two or three teaspoons of cocoa powder with milk or almond milk for an easy yet satiating beverage. Or use a latte machine to create something smoother – just remember to read through its ingredient list first to ensure that there are no unhealthy additives present!