Coffee has long been recognized for its health benefits, such as increased energy, lower risks of certain cancers, lower risks of cardiovascular disease and protection against type 2 diabetes, reduced depression and suicide attempts, liver disease recovery rates and overall mortality decrease. Coffee was even recently removed from a list of foods thought to increase the risk of esophageal cancer among smokers! However, coffee may cause side effects like sleep problems, anxiety and may interfere with drug absorption processes; so if this morning ritual has negative side effects it may be time for an alternative!

Importantly, the health benefits of coffee depend on both its amount and type of caffeine consumed rather than just drinking coffee itself. One study demonstrated this: drinking high-quality coffee which contains antioxidants was more likely to affect health outcomes than drinking less of it.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that there are numerous healthy alternatives to caffeine consumption, including natural remedies like yerba mate, green tea and matcha which contain less calories and contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. Haar suggests replacing each cup of caffeinated drinks with water or another non-caffeinated beverage as part of his plan to help people cut back.

Researchers conducting an observational study published by the European Heart Journal recently discovered that people who consumed four or more cups of coffee per day had a decreased risk of death than those who didn’t drink as much caffeine. Furthermore, researchers noted how timing played an influential role; specifically those who drank their morning cup had lower mortality risks than those who consumed coffee all throughout their day – perhaps because morning coffee may help align more closely with natural sleep and wake cycles and reduce inflammation or oxidative stress linked with chronic diseases.