Coffee is a beloved beverage enjoyed by millions worldwide. There are various varieties of coffee to choose from, each boasting its own distinctive taste and aroma. Kopi Luwak coffee has recently gained in popularity; this type of beverage consists of beans that have been excreted by civets before they are washed, roasted, and finally washed again before becoming the final product. Is Kopi Luwak Halal?

Kopi Luwak coffee’s history is intriguing: its beans are harvested from the faeces of an Asian palm civet, also known as a civet cat. This animal feeds on berries with coffee beans before expelling them into its feces for collection and washing to remove impurities – this process gives this type of coffee its unique flavor! Once collected and cleaned up, these beans can then be roasted and ground as any other type.

Kopi luwak coffee is extremely costly and highly sought-after. Due to the cost, kopi luwak coffee is often only sold at exclusive cafes or specialty stores due to wild civet populations becoming rarer, necessitating importation from faraway places in order to meet demand. Unfortunately, this increased demand has created several issues related to sustainability and animal rights violations.

Civets are being captured from the wild and kept captive to produce coffee in Indonesia – an illegal act. Once captured, these animals are then forced-fed coffee cherries by force feeding, forcing stress, malnutrition, infections and death upon them – even while people seek out this rare specialty coffee drink from Bali farms that keep civets captive while forcing their bodies through painful life experiences such as stress management programs and forced feeding sessions. The demand for this kopi luwak brand coffee drives many visitors to these civet farms so they can witness these animals being held captive and fed – another illegal act by humans who also demand this type of product as they can watch these captive creatures being held captive before feeding off of them to produce it kopi luwak beans that they produce the unique aroma found only found here! The demand is driving many to visit Bali Civet farms where people can witness these captive creatures being held captive before force fed before being forced-feed them force-fed force-fed coffee cherries which produces its unique aroma that many crave; its demand also attracts many to visit its farms where people can witness such cruelties first hand while producing the coffee bean supply chain that creates its unique characteristics!

As a result, the kopi luwak coffee industry has become more industrialised. Civets are now raised in cages and fed large amounts of coffee cherries in order to make this coffee, leading to their health suffering due to living close together with other civets in close quarters, leading to aggression and fighting between individuals. Their unnatural lifestyle causes blood to pass into their poop often enough that some may even pass out due to stress-related deaths.

As such, it is wise to avoid drinking kopi luwak coffee since its production does not adhere to ethical practices and the civets are being treated inhumanely. If you are interested in trying this type of coffee, make sure that only purchase from companies offering 100% cage-free varieties or do not support travel companies which promote civet farms or encourage visitors to visit these facilities; alternatively you could help end this exploitation of these creatures by writing letters to retailers and travel companies urging them not to sell kopi luwak or signing this petition calling on them not promoting tourism of these facilities in Bali