Since McDonald’s offers vegetarian-friendly offerings, many may wonder whether or not its coffee is halal. Unfortunately, that depends on your location; different McDonald’s locations adhere to different policies; some may adhere to strict halal certification while others don’t; therefore it would be prudent to consult a rabbi or another expert in kosher diet before making decisions regarding what food items you will eat at a McDonald’s restaurant.

U.S. residents could visit one of two McDonald’s restaurants that serve food prepared according to Islamic law: one was located in Dearborn Heights, Michigan while the other in Detroit, Michigan. After agreeing to pay a $700k settlement to settle a lawsuit filed by a Muslim customer in Dearborn Heights, that money will be split amongst various charitable groups and beneficiaries including both parties involved.

There are currently two McDonald’s locations offering halal food: one in Bahrain and several on Gozo Island. At their Bahrain branch, all raw ingredients, cooking utensils and meals comply with halal requirements; additionally, HACCP teams monitor suppliers’ compliance.

Outside of Bahrain and Gozo Island, most McDonald’s restaurants are not halal. Salads offered in most locations do not meet Jewish law since their pre-packaged dressings contain non-kosher oils; and meat used for Filet-O-Fish sandwiches and McRibs cannot be considered kosher since they do not adhere to Jewish slaughtering rules that require invoking God before killing an animal. Several kosher McDonald’s exist worldwide, namely in Israel and Buenos Aires.