Nootropic beverages have gained in popularity among millennials in an increasingly caffeine-dependent society, offering memory, attention, and energy boosts at gas stations nationwide. But is their consumption safe?

These beverages can contain various ingredients, but the most popular include amino acids and vitamins. Furthermore, many nootropic beverages come with additional additives that enhance the experience of drinking them – these ingredients may alter both how it tastes as well as their cognitive enhancing effects on human cognition. Caffeine has been shown to significantly improve alertness and concentration for humans while decreasing mental fatigue levels and increasing task efficiency.

Natural nootropics have long been recognized for their cognitive-enhancing effects when taken individually, yet their combined effects have yet to be tested in controlled trials. Results of trials conducted to date indicate that certain combinations may be more effective than others; for instance, taking l-theanine alone may increase task success by decreasing stress and improving arousal; combining it with nootropics like choline could take advantage of its inverted U-shape relationship between arousal and cognition.

Nootropics may offer many potential benefits; however, it’s important to remember they are not miracle cures and should only be taken under medical advice. Furthermore, individual response is different so it is also essential to take this into account when choosing nootropics based on human placebo-controlled studies such as Nootralize’s app.