Coffee is an incredibly popular drink with an estimated $36 billion in retail sales each year, so brands would do well to offer something unique in order to differentiate their brand in such a saturated market. Enter nootropic coffees; an innovative beverage which combines traditional coffee with nootropic ingredients like caffeine, L-theanine, Rhodiola rosea extract and Alpha-GPC for greater focus, energy levels and cognitive function enhancement.

Nootropics, commonly referred to as “smart drugs”, are compounds designed to enhance cognition by increasing neurotransmitter production and blood flow within the brain. Available as supplements over-the-counter or by prescription, nootropics may also be found in foods and beverages like coffee.

Studies demonstrate the possibility that certain nootropic combinations can have synergistic effects, for instance by pairing l-theanine and caffeine together it can mitigate any potentially side-effects associated with each, such as the former’s jittery effects while still increasing arousal-inducing properties (Dodd et al. 2015). One explanation could be due to l-theanine’s antisympathetic effects reducing stress and anxiety during task completion (Dodd et al. 2015).

When researching nootropics, make sure to review any research pertaining to them. Nootralize’s free app makes this task easy by suggesting the ideal nootropic for your goal based on high-quality human placebo-controlled studies. This approach ensures your nootropic experience will be safe and effective; however due to individual differences, experimenting may still be necessary as responses vary greatly among people taking nootropics.