Finding your way around Starbucks when trying to lose weight can be difficult. Many drinks, pastries, and items on their menu contain lots of calories, sugar, and fat; this is particularly true of their signature drinks and coffees – some can contain as many as fast food meals! But there are ways you can cut back on calories at this popular coffeehouse; consider opting for simple drip coffee made with skim milk as well as lower-cal add-ons.

Registered dietitians (RDs) are experts when it comes to selecting healthy foods and drinks. We consulted two RDs from Starbucks to identify their favorite healthy beverages ranging from teas and cold brew coffee, to Frappuccino beverages.

Black brewed coffee from Starbucks contains only 5 calories per 16-ounce serving and provides no fat, saturated fat or carbohydrates – in other words no added sugar – per grande-sized drink! Brewed coffee made with cream or whole milk increases both calories and fat content significantly while their most popular specialty drinks such as white chocolate mochas or iced peppermint white chocolate lattes contain 36g or added sugar!

Keep in mind that a diet high in processed sugar and refined carbs can contribute to weight gain, obesity and health complications. Even if you’re not trying to lose weight, try cutting back on how many sugary beverages you drink and opt for plain, unsweetened beverages like coffee and tea as alternatives.

Simply order black coffee or green tea without syrups or sweet toppings from Starbucks in order to reduce calories, or opt for seasonal peppermint white chocolate mocha without the whipped cream for maximum calorie reduction.

Switch your dairy milk out for something dairy-free such as coconut, almond or soy milk to reduce calories and fat intake without compromising flavor. In addition, consider ordering smaller sizes so as to decrease overall drink calories.

If sugar-free syrups are unavailable, try decreasing the number of pumps. Every recipe includes an acceptable number of pumps; adding more can result in an overly sweet drink.

If you want to recreate a low-calorie Starbucks drink at home, use these recipes. When purchasing beans for this recipe, select only top quality ones, measure out ingredients accurately, and be sure to choose only high quality beans for measuring out ingredients accurately. In addition, Starbucks provides great coffee and tea-related treat recipes on their website as well as providing a list of products which are gluten-free.