how is tea healthier than coffee

Coffee and tea are among the world’s most beloved beverages, providing vital nutrients that may increase mental focus, lower heart disease risk and protect against age-related diseases according to research. Both beverages can be beneficial if taken without added sugars, fats or sweeteners that could erode their potential benefits; one 2015 study discovered that people who consumed moderate amounts of either beverage had lower mortality rates compared with those who didn’t drink these beverages at all.

Coffee and tea both contain caffeine, an extremely potent stimulant that enhances brain function, physical performance and mood. Tea, however, contains additional amino acid L-theanine that promotes a state of relaxed alertness while simultaneously decreasing stress levels. Furthermore, tea contains more potency antioxidants than coffee including catechins and EGCG which have been known to prevent diseases like Parkinson’s, dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Coffee and tea both offer cardiovascular health benefits and help regulate blood sugar, but how they’re prepared and consumed varies drastically. By adding high-calorie creamers or sweeteners, these beverages may become unhealthy beverages.

Coffee and tea both boast high fiber contents, providing essential soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol and absorb certain essential vitamins such as folate. A recent study concluded that those who regularly drink three to five cups of either beverage daily are at lower risk for type 2 diabetes and heart attacks and stroke, as their daily consumption reduces calcium build-up in their arteries.

Coffee and tea both offer benefits to your health in terms of digestion improvement and reduced cancer risks, according to studies. Regular consumption has been found to prevent certain forms of stomach, colorectal, liver cancer.

Which beverage you select ultimately comes down to personal taste and your tolerance of caffeine. While both beverages can be considered healthy when made from fresh whole ingredients without added sugars, tea may be more suitable due to having less stimulating substance than coffee does. Both drinks can further be enhanced by eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains; for more insight on this subject contact a Banner healthcare provider today!