Jose Ardon is Organo Gold‘s inaugural Crown Ambassador and is an incredible story of self-made success; beginning his journey selling air conditioning in Katy, Texas before making over $400,000 per month!

Organo Gold was established by Bernardo Chua in 2008 with a mission of spreading knowledge of Ganoderma all across the globe and working alongside thousands of people along its path.

David Imonitie

David Imonitie is a multi-millionaire and an iconic figure in network marketing, having achieved his success through hard work and faith in himself. Additionally, he serves as a speaker and author; his book “Conceive Believe Achieve” helps people achieve their goals and dreams; furthermore he has taught thousands of individuals how to become successful entrepreneurs.

Starting his networking marketing career in 1993 and suffering several initial failures, he eventually decided to alter his mindset and work harder – his efforts paid off and he quickly rose up the ranks to become one of Organo Gold’s top earners. Renowned for being honest and open with his customers, he serves as an outstanding role model for other network marketers.

He encourages his team members to focus on the positive aspects of their lives, so as to increase wealth, health, and balance. Furthermore, he advocates that you should always try new experiences and expand your horizons as much as possible.

“Taste and Feel Better” is the motto behind the company’s slogan. Their products contain Ganoderma Lucidum, an all-natural medicinal mushroom used for over 2000 years in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce stress, increase energy levels, and strengthen immunity – as well as flavorful coffee and tea products infused with this mushroom for an easy way to stay healthy while enjoying an enjoyable taste experience.

The company boasts an impressive track record and impressive growth over just two years, becoming a global leader in networking marketing industry thanks to a top-tier leadership team composed of three powerful gurus with one vision.

The 2015 Ignite International Convention took place from August 28-30 in Los Angeles with the intent of gathering leaders from all around the globe into one event, which proved extremely successful with high-energy speakers and breakout sessions that set an exciting path forward for Organo Gold’s future.

Bernardo Chua

Bernardo Chua, CEO of Organo Gold, is one of the most accomplished businesspeople in network marketing. His company blends gourmet coffee beans with Ganoderma mushrooms – ancient Chinese medicinal mushrooms known for promoting health and well-being – for optimal performance in health and well-being. Chua has built an international multi-million dollar company selling their products in over 35 countries around the globe; working closely with reputable farmers who cultivate top quality organic Ganoderma varieties for optimal success.

Chua’s success can be attributed to his extensive network marketing background. Beginning his career in 1999 with Gano Excel in the Philippines and eventually California as President of its U.S. branch. Gano Excel sold products containing Ganoderma extract such as instant coffee and capsules; later Chua co-founded Organo Gold with Shane Morand and Holton Buggs to develop a comprehensive product offering including coffee, tea, nutritional supplements and much more.

Chua has led his company’s rapid expansion under his guidance, producing leaders worldwide and winning prestigious awards such as Dangal ng Bayan in the Philippines as well as multiple People’s Choice awards in Canada and the US.

Bernardo Chua is not only a leader in network marketing but he’s also an exemplary family man – with two daughters and four sons of his own! Bernardo loves traveling; having visited more than 30 countries so far; always searching for opportunities to expand his business.

Chua’s success in network marketing aside, Chua is also an avid sports fan and supporter. He attends sporting events regularly while also enjoying playing basketball and golf – not forgetting his commitment to animal charities that support pets!

His love for animals led to him founding a non-profit organization called “The Love of Pets.” His dedication and passion for them have become an inspiration to many people; through its efforts he hopes to continue making the world a better place through this work of his organization and is regularly invited as a guest speaker at business seminars and conventions.

Shane Morand

Organo Gold was established as a network marketing company in 2008 to specialize in the sale of Ganoderma lucidum medicinal mushrooms from ancient Chinese tradition, which are used to infuse functional gourmet coffee and other products to promote health and wellbeing. Organo Gold quickly expanded, now operating across 35 countries around the globe.

Organo is led by one of its most distinguished leaders: Co-Founder and Global Master Distributor Shane Morand. Renowned in network marketing for his leadership development abilities, Shane has helped many people realize their dreams as an in-demand speaker while contributing to Ganoderma coffee‘s success as Organo’s flagship product.

Due to his vast experience and knowledge in this field, he was chosen for a new position at Decentra, an industry-leading technology provider offering blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs and Di-Fi learning solutions. This represents an incredible opportunity for him to launch new ventures and grow his business.

As well as his role at Organo Gold, he also founded the Success Principles Institute – a personal and leadership development organization. Additionally, he has worked alongside Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, and Les Brown – some of the top business coaches and mentors. A leader within his industry who’s always looking for ways to help others reach success.

The 2015 Ignite Convention took place in Los Angeles and kicked off with a great bang. This event celebrated distributors from around the globe and included an outstanding selection of special categories and awards; several people from Denver were recognized, including Blue Diamond Rod Smith and Ruby Barry Overton who were given special recognition for their accomplishments.

As well as awards, there were also workshops and presentations given by top performers. Overall, this convention was a huge success and left an indelible mark on attendees – many said they planned on spreading word of Organo Gold products through word of mouth.

Jose Ardon

Jose Ardon, a network marketing entrepreneur who started selling air conditioning units in Katy, Texas is now Organo Gold’s inaugural Crown Ambassador with an international team under him. His success story stands as testament to Network Marketing.

Ardon realized he needed to change his life if he were going to realize his dreams, so he set off for America, hoping that it would provide him with opportunities he couldn’t get elsewhere. It was difficult, as he only had $100 in savings at the beginning of this six-month journey; yet Ardon knew his perseverance would help him reach his goals and reach success.

After attending an eye-opening network marketing event that inspired him and showed how people can transform their lives with network marketing, he challenged himself to earn $10 Million by age 30 – something which was accomplished shortly before his birthday! Since then he has given both of his parents houses and cars, as well as pledged his efforts toward helping others in a similar manner to how he had been assisted himself.

Organo Gold distributor and executive at BE, a Dubai-based technology company that strives to change the world through lifestyle brand and global community initiatives. He is passionate about network marketing and truly embraces their mission of helping all live their best life.

Organo Gold was an opportunity he wanted to take full advantage of, so he joined an existing team, recruited new members, trained them on promoting products and gaining new business partners, then earned over $2 Million in sales as a result of his efforts – being recognized both as Leader of the Year and Rookie of the Year by Organo Gold’s Denver office and being designated Star Achiever by this office of Organo Gold!