Unlock long-term energy and focus with Lucid Organic Coffee’s super charged USDA organic blend boosted with the highest dosage of mushrooms + nootropics. Unlike other mushroom coffee brands that taste similar to regular coffee, Lucid contains no fillers or inferior quality USDA organic ingredients – simply the best quality USDA ingredients available.


Caffeine is one of the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive substances and a potent stimulant, acting by blocking adenosine receptors to increase cell activity and reduce neurotransmitter production, leading to an increase in energy and alertness, while simultaneously improving attention span and reaction times. Naturally found in coffee beans and certain tea varieties, caffeine can also be bought in pill or capsule form from specialty shops.

Nootropic industry growth is driven by young consumers looking for natural alternatives to prescription drugs and energy drinks with high doses of caffeine. Nootropic is used to refer to any substance which enhances cognitive function – including medications like Adderall for ADHD or narcolepsy and L-theanine, among many other substances.

Nootropics can be divided into three main categories: prescription drugs, synthetic compounds and dietary supplements. Medication and prescription-strength compounds tend to have immediate benefits on cognitive performance while L-theanine can offer long-term advantages such as enhanced memory retention and mental clarity. Over-the-counter stimulants like caffeine may also offer protection from oxidative stress while helping promote brain health – these three categories encompass nootropics as a whole.

Though popular, caffeine does not qualify as a nootropic. This is likely due to being only an incomplete nootropic that acts more as a stimulant and may lead to side effects like insomnia, dizziness, headaches and nausea; additionally it increases blood pressure and heart rate which could potentially pose risks for people who already suffer cardiovascular conditions.

Nootropics that do not contain caffeine include choline. Choline is an amino acid naturally present in the body that plays an integral part in learning and memory functions, helping improve it by increasing levels of acetylcholine; additionally it may even be used as treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

As nootropics become increasingly popular, companies have started producing coffee enhanced with these ingredients. Four Sigmatic’s “nootropic coffees” are designed to aid concentration and focus, which are targeted towards everyone from Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to college students.


L-Theanine, found naturally in green tea leaves, is an amino acid known as L-Theanine that acts as a natural relaxant and may help increase focus, mental clarity, sleep quality, reduce anxiety and boost immunity. L-Theanine works by increasing production of alpha brain waves and neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and GABA; furthermore it may reduce stress while simultaneously strengthening immunity systems and relieving anxiety. While taking L-Theanine moderately may be safe for most individuals it should always be discussed with healthcare practitioners beforehand especially for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women or individuals at risk of low blood pressure or those at risk of low blood pressure issues.

Theanine can help lower blood pressure by decreasing stress hormone cortisol, and may even decrease heart rate. Studies also demonstrate its effect on memory and learning performance as well as stem cell production and growth. Furthermore, it has several anti-cancer properties which include inhibiting cell proliferation, stopping cancer from spreading further, and increasing chemotherapy drug efficacy.

Recent research demonstrated that the combination of caffeine and theanine significantly reduced response times for rapid visual information processing, numeric working memory retention, and delayed word recognition reaction time. Furthermore, this combination increased alertness and vigilance and could increase effectiveness of some antidepressants and anxiolytics while simultaneously improving performance on cognitive tasks.

Researchers conducted another study investigating the effects of both placebo and L-theanine supplements on anxiety and blood pressure levels. Subjects were divided into two groups according to their responses to mental task sessions (DT and AT), with those given placebo experiencing high anxiety while those taking L-theanine or caffeine experiencing decreased anxiety – though neither substance significantly reduced increases in systolic blood pressure caused by CPT as physical stress; further investigation will need to be performed into whether L-Theanine or caffeine affect autonomic nervous system during psychological stress due differences in mechanisms involved with stress related blood pressure elevation induced rises;


L-Tyrosine, a non-essential amino acid, has recently received widespread interest from health and wellness enthusiasts. This non-essential amino acid is widely recognized for its potential cognitive performance benefits as well as mood enhancing qualities, helping reduce depression. Naturally found within our bodies and some foods such as meat, eggs, dairy products, beans, nuts and oats. In addition, L-Tyrosine helps form melanin which gives hair and skin its color.

L-Tyrosine supplements help the body produce neurotransmitters like epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine which play a vital role in mood, alertness and memory regulation. Stressful situations demand these chemicals be present for proper brain functioning – L-Tyrosine supplements may increase levels of these neurotransmitters thus increasing mental agility and increasing focus in challenging or stressful situations.

Research also indicates that l-tyrosine can improve working memory and strengthen executive functions of the prefrontal cortex, essential for solving complex problems. Furthermore, it increases speed at which we process information which makes retaining and recalling new knowledge easier and can even reduce brain fog associated with extended study or work sessions.

To achieve optimal results, it is advised to combine L-Tyrosine with other nootropics such as L-Theanine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine for optimal results. These nutrients can help prevent breakdown of tyrosine while increasing absorption into the body, as well as increasing alpha and theta brain waves for calm thinking and enhanced learning capabilities. Taking these supplements will keep you focused during exams while improving grades overall.

To maximize its effectiveness, select a nootropic product with a high-quality, standardized extract of French maritime pine bark. This extract is loaded with proanthocyanidins which can increase blood flow, oxygen delivery and nutrients reaching your brain faster and block activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes which contribute to cognitive decline and brain inflammation. Many nootropic supplements include this ingredient such as Mind Lab Pro V4.0 by Performance Lab which includes 500 mg Ajipure(r) L-Tyrosine plus 175 mg N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine for maximum benefits.


Meditation, yoga and calming teas may all help us unwind stress and find relaxation; but adaptogens offer another natural option that’s growing increasingly popular: adaptogens. Adaptogens are herbs and mushrooms used to adapt the body to stress. Used since Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine were founded, adaptogens may help balance nerve function while supporting cognitive performance as well as regulating the HPA axis to regulate production of stress hormones like cortisol to restore equilibrium within our bodies.

An adaptogen is defined as any herb or supplement which meets three criteria. These are: non-toxicity at normal dosage; ability to restore bodily functions back into homeostasis and help manage stressors such as mental, physical, emotional, or environmental. You can find adaptogens in various forms – supplements, powders, teas or coffee blends can all count – Moon Juice Sun Potion Brain Dust are among those making waves in this category!

Adaptogens offer numerous health and wellbeing benefits and uses, including improved cognitive function, decreased inflammation and blood sugar levels, and an enhanced immune response. Some popular examples include Rhodiola rosea, Astragalus holy basil and Siberian Ginseng – often taken together in nootropic blends.

The most widely known adaptogens can be found in plant roots, leaves and flowers. Rhodiola rosea is well known for its antidepressant effects as well as being an anti-aging herb with powerful anti-oxidant protection to combat cell stress caused by free radicals. Holy basil has also shown significant results for anxiety relief while attenuating inflammation which has been shown to lower heart disease risk significantly.

Nootropics and adaptogens both influence neurotransmitter levels and improve cognition. There are some key distinctions between them; nootropics tend to focus more on increasing cognitive performance and improving mood while adaptogens provide stress relief and body support.