If you’re searching for an amazing cup of coffee in Tallahassee, look no further than one of our local favorites. From Lucky Goat’s cozy charm to Catalina Cafe’s vibrant atmosphere – there is sure to be an ideal location that meets every preference and taste. So grab your friend, a hot cup of joe and prepare to espresso yourself.

Lucky Goat stands out in an industry where most mass produced coffees are treated like commodities, offering specialty coffee from top 3% of world producers that is carefully hand roasted by true artisans. Their beans come from top farms around the country and undergo processing to bring out unique flavor characteristics; then they’re carefully batch roasted so that quality remains constant and can be closely monitored throughout its lifecycle.

Their aim is to craft delicious coffee beverages that make the morning better and the afternoon more pleasurable, infusing each cup with magic that invigorates and relaxes at once. Coffee’s power lies in its ability to both awaken the senses and soothe the soul; their passion lies in sharing this gift with their community so they may all discover its superpowers through mindful consumption of this beverage.

Lucky Goat boasts three locations across the city and offers something for every customer at each. Offering everything from cold brew to nitro coffee drinks and tours/classes for home brewing enthusiasts. In addition, fresh roasted beans in various varieties are sold if customers wish to enhance their coffee experience even further.